So far the two big issues I have found is that you only get SMS message notifications (no RCS) and Strava integration is simply a sync of a “Workout” instead of metrics and a map for GPS based activities.

    Court Do you have a link to this post please so I can see what they have said?

    I got the watch today and for sometime the watch face(Sun Circle) had an animation but now it is not working and the animation got stuck.I am providing screenshot below is it device problem or software?Please reply quickly so that I can have a replacement


      Hey 👋

      The animation should place the sun in a certain position based on the time of day. The animation will replay each time you go to the watch face.

      If for any reason the animation is not playing as expected please report this to the team as feedback. You can do this direct from the CMF Watch app.

      I read the comments and see that the Watch 2 is just as unfinished a product as the Watch 1.

      KallurPrashanth - thanks for flagging via the app. Hopefully it is patched soon 🤞🏼

      Lucas - if you could also flag this via the app. The more voices, the quicker they can work on the solution.

      I shall do the same once I receive mine tomorrow 👀


        I recently purchased watch pro 2 for my son, he has a Lava Blaze 5g phone, have installed the cmf watch which is unable find the watch, however on the bluetooth setting the watch is detected and pairs to the watch but the app doesnt find the watch.

        Earlier he had a smartwatch from mi which he was able to connect to from the same phone through its app.

        I have tried everything from uninstalling the cmf app on phone, disconnecting all bluetooth devices connection on the phone, restarting the watch, but nothing seems to help.

        Note: I have a Xiaomi phone, which can connect to watch pro 2 using the cmf watch app.

        Any help is greatly appreciated 👍.

        My watch screen doesn’t come on when I recieve any new notifications on the watch 2 pro. I have to lift my wrist to wake up the screen.

          KritikalHit this is the intended behaviour, the watch will provide haptic feedback prompting you to raise your wrist to view the notification.

            Hi, I have the watch for a few days now, but I can’t seem to find any option to sync my data with Google Fit / Health. In multiple reviews I read something like “A standout feature of the Watch App is its capability to sync data with third-party apps like Google Health.”. The only option I could find is to sync my data with Strava.

            Am I missing something? How did you setup your watch pro 2 to sync your data with Google Fit / Health?

              Got my watch today… and noticed few issues screen doesn’t lights up while getting any notifications… and not getting whatsapp call notifications

              I got the watch today there’s 2 things bothering me

              1- steps showing on display(in watch face) but it is nt working while we walk it is only working when we select indoor/outdoor exercise

              2- when we get notification on watch then if we delete it then it still appear on phone’s notification should be removed as well…i have been using amazefit band so in that band there was this thing which i have mentioned that when i delete notification in the watch,it also removed from my phone’s notification bar.

              Please fixed these two things nothing team.

              Got the watch on 13/7/2024 - Here are the issues I felt can be addressed better:

              1 - Heart rate section should have an average heart rate metrics for the day too. Also once we click on the heart rate graph it should expand for our better understanding.

              2 - Ghost steps, i was in a car and had to travel around 70 kms (there was an increase of around 2500 steps since sitting in the car and getting out of the car.)

              3 - Heart rate, Spo2, stress monitoring have only the option of 24 hours monitoring or none.

              4 - How are we to decide on the goal for steps, it is set at 2000 steps.

              These are the major issues I felt the CMF team should address. If there is already a solution for it then please provide the answer.