So i was thinking what if NOTHING had it’s own voice assistant.

So i created Stella a voice assistant for Nothing users! I hope Nothing will realise something like this i Nothing OS 3 when the Phone 3 realised!

Update 1

New Stella icon New “Stella Speaking” Animation Setup Animation

#projectstella #nothingos3

Stella animations:Stella Animations

    17 days later
    • [deleted]

    Helio_X let’s add this in nothing OS


    “I was thinking what it was like if NOTHING had it’s own voice assistant. So i created…”

    Can it control other devices, turn lights on and off, tell you weather and launch navigation directions etc. etc. like Google Assistant?

    Stella sounds perfect for nothing

    Are you guys trying to convert NOTHING in a Android based Apple?

    Please… Don’t 😃

    NOTHING OS is an Android based (and very close to original OS flavor). The existence of Google Assistant would make another voice assistant a little redundant, no?

    I think there are other features that NOTHING could/should improve before that, but that’s just my 2 cents


      Exactly what I’ve thought all along.

      People seem to want Nothing to replace apps that actually work perfect.

      I’ve even seen posts saying Nothing should replace Google Play Store and Google Pay, lol!!

      The stupidity runs rampant.

        AAS_1981 They Will Definately Ruin Stock Android Flavour

        With Unwanted Expectations

        They’re Not Giving These Important Options

        1 Font Style

        2 Locking The Home Screen So That No Icons Will Displace From It’s Place


          In all honesty, I don’t see the importance in functionality in those options.

          Font is a font, I think I’ll survive not using it (I never changed my OS font even when I could).

          The displacement onb the home screen never happened to me. Normally I organize it to my liking, when I Install an app I’ll manually add it to the folder/screen that I want.

          Maybe someone had the same issue as you, but I can’t relate 🫤


            Consider These

            1 I’m Begging Fonts As Stock As Pixel Stock

            2 Accidental Touches Can Move The Home Screen Setup

            3 Not Good Looking Big Data Wifi Tabs In Swipe Down Menu As Well

            4 Square Icons As In Moto


              1. As I said, font is not important to me
              2. Never happened to me. I have the gesture navigation feature and never had an accidental touch that rearranged my home screens
              3. Dropdown menu buttons and options are taste subjective. I happen to like this more that what I Han in my previous Xiaomi phone
              4. You can download/install a square icon pack to your taste… Moto has squares, Samsung has circles, Xiaomi has circles, NOTHING went wit circles… but once again, it’s editable and it’s a matter of personal taste

              I fail to see the point. But we’re getting of topic

              Sorry to the original poster for the deviation.

                AAS_1981 Ok Understood


                I Support Only Stock Apps Not Going Nothing Developed Ones

                Let Them Develop The Things Which Stock Don’t Gives At All

                GordonLutz Yeah, the stock android experience that Nothing OS provides is really good! And while replacing thing’s like the Google Play Store is a terrible idea, but adding a little Nothing taste too Nothing OS wouldn’t be bad!

                (And we need a normal Gallery app, because Google Photo’s is trash)

                  Helio_X have you tried Google gallery? (Not the same as Google photos)

                  It’s not pre-installed, but basically it’s a gallery app for your photos in the phone storage.

                  That’s what I use on mine and it does the trick.

                  Helio_X Update 1 Coming Soon!

                  #projectstella Update 1 probably coming tomorrow at 2024.August.23!

                    Helio_X Brilliant. Perhaps for the “Stella thinking” animation, it could be the fresh eyes of the 2a spinning around. That would look great.