Nothing001 obviously you will get 120 fps on iphone because of better a processor and a gpu , but 120 fps comes along side with the drawbacks like alot of heating and battery drain no doubt you can play 120 fps but just for a little time , after that even good devices start to lag and drop frames because of thermal throttling

    Actually there is issues with krafton too cause all the nothing phone 2 devices hasn’t even got 90 fps

      Abdul-Muhaymin I happen to know that already… my point still stands why should we go through a lot of process to make sure 90fps works on Nothing Phone? Why did they implement 90fps if it just can’t work with just launching the game normally without using the pop up?

        RapidZapper nothing really cheated phone 2 years. Imagine spending 40k inr for phone ,2. These people are more concerned about phone 2a. Completely forgot phone ,2 and 1 users. Absolute cheating…..

          Vishwam it doesn’t work like that buddy. both of them should make the app compatible and work as intended.

          Krafton did their part, now its Nothing who should release an update to make their device run respect the refresh rate set by PubgM on their device.

          Do you remember OnePlus users had to deal with same thing when they released OnePlus 12 and 12R. the game had the option but OnePlus had locked it to run at 60fps no matter what to keep temps down and optimize the device throttle.

          and we all know how Nothing keeps singing about “optimization” all the time.

            SreeRudranK_S afaik they included only for global Nothing 2. BGMI hasn’t got v3.4 iirc. maybe the Indian variant will get the same when it releases in future.

            Still no 90 fps in my phone 2 what a shame first nothing took so much time to enlist their device as 90 fps compatible device in kraftons list and now it’s time from kraftons lag. Krafton,nothing can we get 90 fps atleast this year. Nothing u guys have been ignoring phone 2 and has been keeping phone 2a on your laps. Well I just don’t care about that the only thing I care is please give 90 fps

            Falesh nope I am sorry to say it doesn’t work that way. Krafton didn’t do their part properly. The issue is from their end otherwise wouldn’t work in pop-up view too. And if you check a reddit post where they said they will rollout in 3.4 update they said thank you for suggestion and we will get the device soon for some testing and they said they will rollout with bgmi/pubg 3.4 update not Nothing OS update. And check my previous reply Thomas also likes who is the mod and he will also say same

              Vishwam you do know oem should also add compatibility for an app in their os, don’t you?

              you blindly blaming krafton, they can push micro updates whenever they wish to fix minor issues. some people seeing the option in the game does prove that they actually added the support for device. However as I said earlier it could be only for global model as that’s the device they might have tested the game on. the reddit reply clearly mentioned they will push it on 3.4 and they did.

              have you seen or tested any Xiaomi devices with 120hz refresh rate but 60fps PUBG capability? when video recorder is turned on the game will run at 120fps because of some glitch. go seerch YouTube and you will find some videos regarding same. so now who is at fault, Krafton or Xiaomi?

              you understood where I am going with this? your pop up incident.

              understand that both the os and app should be properly compatible to give you best possible experience.

              Google added the option to bypass this stupid restrictions by OEM to let users enjoy their games at higher frame rates if their device can handle in Android 15 just for this reason.

              Look at all aspects don’t blindly blame one party.

                Falesh first of all check the reddit post they have accepted its an issue from their end. And I know how it works that’s why I am saying. You can’t simply blame Nothing for everything. Nothing can’t do anything in this

                  Enable force peak refresh rate in developer setting download in low hd resource pack and in pubg graphics keep it on smooth and still if u dont get just open game in pop up mode and after few seconds go in normal mode while in lobby

                  Got 90 fps thankyou well I have not tested it but seeing the option itself is soothing

                  Vishwam man, you are the one blaming Krafton on all fronts. I not even blaming anyone. I am trying to tell they both should work together to sort out whatever the problem might be. We will see what happens in coming days, first there is confusion of 2 device models and two different game versions.

                    Falesh bro I am not blaming anyone without testing. In that reddit post itself they have mentioned that they have to test out and find the issue. And this was said by pubg operations team. Check that reddit post and I am not blaming. I am saying that krafron has to add phone 2 to their database. Yesterday itself I have seen that post and a YouTube video of a youtuber who males videos about nothing phones and has all nothing and CMF phones and nothing didn’t give him he bought them all spending his money and he showed in a video that a staff member has mentioned that “We have found the issue and we will release a patch soon”. If you want I will give you the video link but I don’t think you will understand as the video is in Hindi that’s why not sending now but if you want to see the message in video I will send

                      Vishwam It feels like either krafton don’t want nothing phone’s to play good game performance to down their market…as it has been nearly 14 months since the launch of this device…and the performance has been terrible… OnePlus 6 had snapdragon 845 and that phone gave better smoother performance than nothing phone 2……which has 8+gen 1 chipset…I am both angry and Nothing and krafton for doing this! It makes me feel I got an inferior phone than others…..otherwise the phone is superior in every other department……except camera and gaming!