To enable ‘Customize Case Light’ - 🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴⚪⚪🔴

To change Ear(1) to Ear(0) - 🔴⚪🔴🔴🔴🔴⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪🔴⚪🔴🔴⚪

You need to tap buds in the App Home Page. Thanks to our Discord community for the help. Looking forward to finding more easter eggs. Thank Carl for all the fun.

What more do you think they hid in the app?

Thank you.

    @Rudi is it right that you moved this post while @tarunspartan probably won’t be able to see his own one anymore or am I wrong? 😄

      Well spotted Kastello

      I just hadn’t drafted my reply yet.

      Thank you for sharing this feat with our community, tarunspartan. You’re now one of us 🤠

      Our Easter eggs have now been found, you can now put your fingers down and relax 😌

        Helasending I believe that one cool Easter Egg for their next product, whatever it may be, should be an allusion to the ear (1). Just a tiny nod to those who started their journey with the original product.

        2 years later