I am also facing touch issues randomly. Submitted that in feedback form.

Merged 13 posts from Phone (2) - unresponsive touch at times while typing and scrolling.
5 days later

Getting fed up with this, bugplus were bad enough but now I’m experiencing issues with touch the last few days, it’s utterly ridiculous this is now a bug & when can we ever get a phone released that just damn well works as advertised, of all the things to not work properly, the touchscreen.

Presses don’t respond or recognised all the time, typing, opening apps, also delayed response to opening notifications.

This needs to be fixed like now not in months time.

This has been happening since 2.0.3

7 days later

Hello Nothing,

Any update regarding the touch issue? This is very frustrating. I think you should work on the touch sensitivity.

  • NHN replied to this.
  • NHN likes this.

    SoumyaNC nope they sent me a stupid email asking me to screenshot the issue, how utterly ridiculous, screenshot my touch issue & audio issues.

    Send them the video proof. Its there na. Share that link where someone has captured the unresponsive of the screen.

    They’ve been sent this by another owner, they’ve been linked on twitter directly to them with the video, they’ve failed to respond, it’s just bugplus with a different face.

      NHN Guys i have been reporting this issue in Twitter in feedback form and connected with them in chat and explained the issue then they have replaced by device but the device also having the same issue.

      I am the one who created this post and pushing them to work on this issue since many days but they are asking logs and all . It is difficult to provide the issue in screen recording because whenever you click the keyboard the popup click happens only if it recognises and if it not recognises they can’t see that we have clicked the key. It is difficult to provide. You guys should tag them in Twitter and ask them use the phone 2 personally for a day as a daily driver then they will understand but they won’t do because they are developers and they only want logs to debug

      Guys there is no use if we post the comments here. I request you all to provide your feedback to them through the option in system option in settings

      • NHN replied to this.

        ansarhussain already done that & they say do screenshots, it’s so unbelievably stupid I can’t put across the frustration dealing with people like this, yeah audio issues, screenshot will help them find that, I mean seriously it’s a joke.

        They can delete as many posts as they like, but the fact is they just don’t like negativity surrounding there brand, jokers.

        Fix the stupid phone & stop wasting time on silky warnings for truths being told.

          NHN Moderators on this platform are not staff and are in no way involved with anything to do with the phone. Constructive feedback is appreciated, and you will notice that we do not delete negative feedback, we only delete comments which go against our guidelines and code of conduct. I recommend that you re-read those if you wish to continue using this platform.

          Good then here’s some constructive criticism.

          This brand is nothing but OnePlus reincarnated.

          The software is not qc’d properly, they fail to fix things without breaking stuff, it’s rubbish, fix the damn issues.

          I didn’t pay £700 to end up with these idiotic problems then they send stupid emails asking me to screenshot for touch & audio issues, how exactly will a screenshot fault find them, yeah okkkkkkk

          Hi, I am facing unresponsive touch area near front camera several times. I have attached a screenshot highlighting the unresponsive area

          • NHN likes this.
          Merged 1 post from Unresponsive touch near front camera.

          I thought I am the only one facing touch screen issue,seem like it is common issue now,too bad…such a expensive phone…

          Here my proof of video, actually it not behave like this everytime,it more like random things, sometimes ok, sometimes shit, already send many emails to them,no response yet.


            Restart phone does help,but it will appear again soon or later,I don’t know it is software issues or hardware related,I even try experiment with water spray at screen,than observed touch pattern how to behave.

            My best guess?if it is software issues,LTPO screen maybe have certain level touch sensitivity auto adjust in background,and nothing development team set it all wrong, because restart phone or turn on turn off screen will effect touch response behave,that mean everytime I experience touch difficulty,it simply because touch sensitivity set at low level maybe due to prevent phantom touch.

            I even try use some plastic bag rub on screen protector to create static electric,see that will effect touch screen or not,turn out it is 100% recreate touch response issues.basically,I can tell for sure, something wrong about NT2 screen,even my old phone Huawei mate 10,it also effect by static electric,but it still usable,got little bit mistouch area,but recovered in 5 minutes.

            But Nothing phone 2,it always behave like screen effect by static electric, cannot draw line, unresponsive to single point touch.restart phone seem help to reset to normal touch sensitivity level,but it will random appear unresponsive issues again.

            I think still have hope can solve this issue with OTA Update,that why I try my best contact development team.but if it is hardware issue, maybe screen just have poor anti static degisn,than it done, time to say goodbye to Nothing phone forever.