The feedback system on phone 1 and phone 2 are entirely different. In phone 2 there is no option to suggest enhancement or submit feature requests. Even for ocassional bugs, it is asking to start screen capture. How can that be possible?

The below is on phone 1 provided by @hrry

    Hey mate, I was just thinking about this! I’d suggest contacting support - I’m not sure if this is normal (I don’t have a (2)) but, it doesn’t seem normal for there to be such a bug. I’m not sure if it’s due to the personal/work profiles you’ve got enabled.. hmmm.

      Jerin Jose nothing has discontinued phone 2 because nothing phone 2 is disaster for nothing history,they didn’t get success creating phone 2.

      Who all have bought the phone 2 it’s there mistake ,you have to face the problem yourself,it’s clear why nothing showing so much attention to phone 2a because it was there best seller.

      They have already made different between phone 1,2a,CMF phone 1 and phone 2 ,many features are missing in phone 2 that of 1,2a and CMF phone 1,i don’t think nothing will provide any good updates in future for phone 2 because they don’t want to ,they have made promises of 3 years os update for phone 2, one year has completed still 2 remains .

      Now thats simple they will provide every new feature to phone 2a and other best seller products and give some basic features to phone 2 user ,to show thare standard.

      We made a big mistake buying phone 2

        This behaviour isn’t present on my Phone (2). See below:

        It seems your choice of “Profile” for Personal or Work is causing an issue. But as @hrry suggests, getting in contact with Support may help point you in the right direction.

        Finally, @VishwanathS_ghante Phone (2) isn’t discontinued, Nothing hasn’t “forgotten” any of their products. These comments do not help anyone and they just stoke the flames, they are not needed when someone is trying to get help from the Community.

          Ealesy101 then why are some features missing in phone 2,did we phone 2 user do any crime buying this phone .

          There own brand CMF ,CMF phone 1 which cost 200 dollars has more features but phone 2 which cost 530 to 580 dollars Missing some features like battery health features in which custom battery mod and some other features.

          Isn’t it unfair

          Alexshax which phone do you use, if phone 2a cmf phone 1 then how you will know what features and how phone 2 is ,

          Others nothing phone’s like phone 2a and cmf phone 1 have this featur

          Nothing phone 2 don’t have this featur

          Now tell me did I talk any nonsense here

          Ealesy101 Same on my NP2 running the latest OS 2.6 version. The feedback button is displayed right at the bottom of the feedback page

          Some features like camera widget, vibration intensity changer.

            Alexshax Hey brother, I agree with your thoughts, but I want to highlight some features that are missing in Phone 2. So far, I am impressed with the software experience and battery backup of my Phone 2, except for the camera performance.