AlessandroRossi_uwiOma5ceO I have done the update to open beta 1 already to gone out No more problem , the system work well Nothing to report about
VaibhavMenaria AlessandroRossi_uwiOma5ceO camera became worst for sure . Np2 is crazy device but nothing need to optimise it.
Gagamel-Phone1_ Wenn die Beta da ist müste auch Android 15 kommen den so wie ich es verstanden habe läuft die 3.0 Beta auf Android 15.
hauntedwolf Nothing001 what’s the point for your answer? Don’t get offended for such a common question.
JoelV AvishGumber I dont really see a problem. You only charged the device upto 75 or 80 percent and at the end its around 30 percent. So having 3hrs of SOT for around 50 percent of battery is a normal thing.
Shreeky Natalie ✨ Ring mode selecter button is not rounded in the bottom. Does this bother anyone other than me? 😔
Firu Shreeky Try moving it to another place. It doesn’t seem to be the case for this guy: If you find out something. Report it via settings to nothing.
dave_c Can anyone confirm whether the bluetooth issues have been fixed with this update, or is it just a new skin
josecordoba For those of you who opted in on day one, how’s battery life? Been trying my best to stay away from the beta but curiosity is winning