Merged 1 post from CMF Phone 1 - Oct security patch update.

Not really seeing a change in battery usage

suryan1996 Hey,Nothing changed , haven’t fixed the draining issue , but a noticeable change is when you switch to front camera then you see an animation in front camera. That’s it. YouTube channels saying that a decrease in antutu score, but i faced no problem in performance.Youtube short stuck problem remains.

Firmware (bot) After this latest update SOT has been decresed.

Battery draining fast in normal usage.

Hope Nothing Acknowladge this issue and fix in next update

Those who are giving feedback here they also need to give feedback into setting option - tips and feedback - feedback - submit

These feedback directly goes to the developer team

You need to write here also and as well as give feedback in setting option.

Just got 14h SOT over 2.5days with a single charge.

10h of that was YT over WiFi and other bits were 2h of NOWTv over WiFi.

I jzt bought this phone only 2 days running with latest update.

Im using wifi with one 3g sim.

2% battery droped in 13 min SOT in only chrome browsing.

Is it manufacture issue with my unit or it is ok?

    Add a customizable volume slider to the notification bar, allowing users to easily adjust volume levels without navigating to settings.


    1. Convenience: Quick access to volume control.

    2. Efficiency: Reduces time spent adjusting volume.

    3. Enhanced user experience: Streamlines volume control.

    *Design Suggestions:*

    1. *Notification Bar Placement:* Display volume slider below quick settings toggles or as a separate tile.

    2. *Customization Options:*

        - Show/hide volume slider.
        - Choose volume slider position (left/right/center).
        - Select volume control type (e.g., horizontal/vertical).

    3. *Volume Slider Design:*

        - Simple, intuitive design.
        - Visual feedback (e.g., volume level indicator).
        - Support for multiple volume streams (e.g., media, alarm, notification).