Can we get a phone in sizes somewhere 6 to 6.2″. that will be sweet spot for most users wait.
Nothing Phone 3(a) Concept Design
NarasimhaPalla not in near feautere, Car Pei said there is no interest to make a conpact phone.
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SamAron Thank you for such kind words! I understand about the camera placements, infact I had similar thoughts while modeling. But I wondered for a while, when I saw Phone 1 & 2 camera placement and then 2(a) camera position, I brainstormed myself what if those camera positions are indications of a number 1, 2 and 3. in that sense, I thought to give a diagonal position for camera to symbolize it as a 3 matching with the 3rd gen design for fictional Phone 3(a). Thanks again for your comment.
Zang You got it very right there! physical button is a major concern over a period of time. And YES! all functionality should also support like recovery mode, bootloader menu just by holding the same areas using Volume down + power touch to reboot into the safe mode menu. Buttonless also comes very handy to make the phone full waterproof even in deep submerged conditions.
NarasimhaPalla I can understand when I exaggerated with 7″ display! how about a 6.25 with less tall and more wider screen with as aspect ratio of 18:11 with 2048×1152?
PLS Shrink it down. 6.7″ is already to big for my Hands. 7.0″ no pls no.
I Hope we get a 6.2″ Option.
This is too much over like toys but buttonless concept is amazing and xtra ordinary
No offense
But the design is looking really bad ( it looks as if it has straight come from Minecraft)
The technology you will be using for volume is also because mistouch can happen at anytime anywhere
(For example, if you were in a funeral and your hands were in your pockets and due to super sensitivity of that area the volume of your phone will increase immediately. And suddenly a call comes, and then that will be a moment of peak embarrassment. At that time, even a message will be enough )
Plus, it has just too much width that I doubt if it will fit into pockets. And the phone will gain quite much weight too.
So you have to balance those ratios, so that it will not look odd in appearance like the Xiaomi Mi phones look nowadays.
Ani_Vri_007 None taken, its just a concept design and some like it some don’t there is nothing to feel bad about an opinion! you are free to comment as you like.
Take my money nowww….
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zygerboy i respectfully hate this. Way to big, bezels waayyy to thin, no buttons…
Make it a 5,8″ square screen, bigger top and bottom bezels with frontfacing dual/quad speakers and no camera cutout, buttons (because… why even remove that…), headphone jack….(Man i really want those designs back…, looking at you, Iphone 4 and HTC One M8)
I kinda like the back tho. Especially if you can make the camera’s not stick out the back.
Hey nothing family, Today I want to share a ringtone. I didn’t have any idea where i can share this so i am sharing here. Please tell me if you like this..
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I like this ! Just a few thoughts.
First, I find the 3 design on the back very jarring. It’s clear why you incorporated it, but a simpler/smoother design might fit better.
Although the capacitive volume and power buttons look great, they would mean turning the phone to locate them. Maybe give the area around them some texture so they could be located by touch ? But I particularly like the fingerprint sensor built into the power button.
The under display camera has been used before and apparently the results are not great, and I don’t find the punch hole that intrusive. Maybe give that one a miss for the sake of clarity ?
Those caveats aside, I think it’s a great design and it would be fantastic if Nothing came out with a phone with these features. The only thing that wouldn’t be fantastic is the resulting rise in price, taking Nothing out of the mid range bracket. But for something truly different, maybe I could scrape together the extra pennies !
ManikPanwar wrong thread
zygerboy camera look wirde. I love the 2a and 2a plus camera design.
AJays_535FfuiLUP I knew instantly when I thought to write 7 inch display when I was preparing this article. My inner voice told me-"Don’t over do it, it’s unnecessary I should have listened to it
. Btw, 7 inch idea was a parody
and thank you for liking the design.
@TokahoSwu I know this line from instagram but sorry I can’t take your money cause I’m not selling anything. I know what you mean and I’m glad you liked the idea. Just kidding
@Boeddabart I respectfully don’t mind but hey I really wanted to add that 3.5mm headphones jack on top but my only reason for not adding was to make the design a complete water resistant. But now I feel like I should have, cause I am a fan for that jack too and I miss it greatly
@ManikPanwar cool ringtone dude!
@softouch6 I took the inspiration from 2a how the 2 looks, I wanted a similar but little cyberpunk design with 3. It was a tough choice to make on how the 3 should look and what purpose it should hold within. I think a minor dot bumps above volume would help identify and get used to it over the time with muscle memory. I think it’s time we find a new revolutionary design to solve under display camera without any issue but I’ll let the engineers brainstorm those ideas. And thanks for your suggestions
@Mu.Da. Shagor I agree, it was hard to decide for me as well.
ManikPanwar this thread is about phone 31 concept. do you not read the title?
you are free to create new thread. how your ringtone is related to phone 3a concept ? thats why
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Paulis before the evolution of radio and telephone humans loved paper, letters, after radio we got television, then computer, then smartphone. To step into the evolution of technology, the old ones are forgotten just like people will forget button phones once we step into button less phones. Just like we used to tap in navigation up until slide swipe got introduced and over five years people are now becoming more comfortable. Surely it will be a pain to grasp a new muscle memory but once you get hang of it, people will be glad on how much money they save because of the buttons causing so many phones for technical issues and other damages in long run l. Buttonless phones will become the next future. If nothing doesn’t use this now, someone else will.