AteebJawaid BKX thats not gona work it was just for a single update you will recuve upcomming udate in normal update section
NITISHDIXIT I have been experiencing on my CMF Phone 1 since installing Nothing OS 3.0. Despite multiple troubleshooting attempts, I am unable to establish a stable internet connection. This has affected my overall experience with the device.
robot-hari victor_buscsei and i facing icon issue i was installed 3.0 in dec 20 to dec 28 the all icons are black and white but i now im reinstalled but i can’t get that fix this
PritamBasak hey, I upgraded my cmf phone 1 to nos3 open beta version. but now my phone stops charging when turned off. pls help.. 🥺
IchBinAran TamalKarmakar that’s strange cause on my phone 1, the proximity sensor is working better than ever😂
NagendraB Hi guys , am using Android 15 on CMF phone 1, build number is Tetris-V3.0-241205-0050-IND, am not able to downgrade to android 14 , can someone help , I don’t see open beta feedback option to import file and attach zip file .
skdubg JANUARY 2025 ! It has already been communicated several times. Stop this post-release bashing!