Nothing OS 3.0 | General Release
SatvikKuchhal Hi mate. 2025, this is widely documented. Public beta is ongoing. Stable release is not confirmed but will come later this year.
DuckRogers my UK 2a has the 3.0 now and is running perfectly fine, no issues apart from I can’t find the retro-wide clock.. Apart from that it hasn’t got any issues whatsoever.
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JasonSean OS 3.0 seemed to have quite a few issues amongst many users before it came to the UK like battery drain, slower charging times, inability to connect to cars via bluetooth and just a general slow feel within the OS. When it comes to your battery, have you noticed any differences with your screen time and how long your 2a takes to charge? Looking to update but don’t want to touch it if it’s as buggy as others have made out.
JasonSean when did you receive the update?
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I just bought the phone second hand a few days ago (eBay UK) and it already had it. dylanknowsnothing seems fine to be honest. I’ve got a NP1 on OS1, an NP1 on OS2.6 and the 2a on OS3 and they’re all good as far as I can tell. I’m hopscotching between the OS2.3/NP1 and the OS3/2a and they’re both quick with good battery. Apart from Spotify I haven’t loaded many apps and I select options like ’don’t scan for WiFi/mobile networks in background’ etc. all good here
I think 0S 3.0 should be more smoother and more AI and other features loaded, what do you think of the other half?
SomjyotiPal all three are great but i’m not pushing them hard in reality, just tweaking the UI look really.
Nothing Was 3.0 smooth but I could see a bit of jitter at times. The hot fix update I’ve given is also showing mild occasional jitter. I think it should be given another update to add more smoothness and stop the jitter. And features include photo clips in gallery, circle to search and wallpaper generator which Vyas has provided. If you give something else, it is better to give ai features. And the comment option should be given in the wallpaper generator so that a wallpaper is made after listening to something we write or say in voice, and some more ai options and edit options should be added to the gallery app, and the weather app animation that was said hasn’t come yet, I don’t know when. will come So, I would say that some more features need to be added little by little in the next security update.
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I promise i’ve looked but where are all the funky retro clocks and widgets in the header banner and OS 3.0 video?
Did some not make the final cut?
Any news on when it’ll be out in the UK? (Beta tester, nothing phone 2a)
JasonSean How’s the mobile network stability in the NP 2a???
PrachuryyaBora I haven’t had any problems (but then again I don’t get a lot of daily traffic to my phone). I haven’t noticed any issues at all with communicating.
I’m using a Nothing 2a and haven’t received an upgrade to 3.0 yet? Is there a delay?
@“prachuryayabor”#প125816 Be patient my brother. The fruit will be very beautiful, tasty, fragrant. Be patient, man.
aniketrege1991 I want an answer that make ssense not some Zen, hippy bull.
Rob When will it be released for cmf?
I’m really looking forward to this update.
Will it be released in January or February? I read somewhere that it might be released later this year. I really hope that doesn’t happen and the update will be released for the phone within the next 2 months at the latest.
Finally, I want to ask if anyone has received the stable NOS 3 update on their cmf phone 1?
Rob Still Waiting for Nothing OS 3.0 for the Nothing Phone 1
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