I have this product for 9 months now and aside from this small inconvenience I absolutelly love it! Altough I mostly use it with My Galaxy phone and My brother always use it with His iPhone (I give it to Him often), times to times I want to use it with My laptop too, but these times I ALWAYS have a really wierd syncing problem. I will try My best to describe it:
So there is two types of issues. One is where the audio is just gone for a few second and then comes back. The other is when the audio goes out of sync for a couple of second, after that the audio goes completelly off for another few second then everything goes back to normal. In every minute either or both of these issues takes present at least one time. I checked it with another laptop and it has the same issues while it’s hapening a bit less frequently. Had a tought that a bluetooth driver update might solve it, but it did not. According to the Nothing X app I have the latest firmware. I don’t use it much like this, but it’s REALLY annoying. I also have a JBL headset that don’t have any problem so it makes this whole thing even more wierd.
Edit: So uh, nobody cares?😢