Rob ⚡️ 1101 An enormous amount of work went into these - dismissing them as rudimentary feels unjust. Experimental? absolutely. AI was a just part of the process - these were crafted over many working sessions by Andres and our Software Design team members.
1101 Rob ⚡️ I have no doubt that the wallpapers were designed with compatibility for the ‘Nothing Phone 2a Plus Community edition’ in mind. What I mean is that they are strangely low resolution, lacking sharpness, and, so to speak, watercolory.
sh0ck Rob ⚡️ Download the latest version of Wallpaper app > Try to apply these wallpaper on Screen and observe the quality, it is pixelated.
SPICER.09 Rob ⚡️ I’m looking at designing my own wallpapers in procreate what’s the template size and DPI for Nothing wallpapers ?
JackChalk 1101 really put your foot in that one! Got called out haha Have a check again, they’re definitely not low resolution.