I managed to successfully debloat my unrooted Nothing 2a and now I run no google services. I removed all com.google.*
packages from my phone that I could and replaced them with alternatives.
I say almost all, because:
- Google play store and Google Play Services are still installed, but disabled. If you uninstall Google Play Services, the phone will get stuck in a boot loop.
- Some other packages that provide local phone functionality or packages that would break the phone were not uninstalled. These packages are managed via Netguard.
I use Universal Android Debloater to remove the apps.
I use Netguard with traffic filtering to block internet access for certain apps. One thing I find very helpful during setup is to receive internet access notifications in order to be aware of all apps that connect to internet and block the ones I don’t want them to.
Also disabling background activity and background data usage for indiviudal apps is a good practice, leaving these options on for only a few apps that I use and expect notifications from or content updates.
I know is not perfect, but it works just fine.
Keep in mind that the goal of doing this is to avoid everyday data collection, not to completely anonymise activity with the phone. The first rule in avoiding data collection is not to keep your data online and this setup allows you to have a phone that use less cloud and more local.
Login with a google account, download all your apps (like banking and other specific apps) and then remove the acoount from the phone, disable Google Play Store and Google Play Services. Again, don’t uninstall Google Play Services as you will break the phone (boot loop).
Some apps will throw a notification that they won’t work unless you use Google Play Services, but you can just block the notification channel from app notification settings (blocking the channel allows you to receive other notifications from the app) and the app will run just fine.
List of uninstalled packages:
- com.android.calllogbackup
- com.android.chrome
- com.android.egg
- com.android.hotwordenrollment.okgoogle
- com.android.hotwordenrollment.xgoogle
- com.android.providers.partnerbookmarks
- com.android.tracer
- com.google.android.apps.docs
- com.google.android.apps.maps
- com.google.android.apps.messaging
- com.google.android.apps.nbu.files
- com.google.android.apps.photos
- com.google.android.apps.restore
- com.google.android.apps.safetyhub
- com.google.android.apps.tachyon
- com.google.android.apps.turbo
- com.google.android.apps.wellbeing
- com.google.android.apps.youtube.music
- com.google.android.as.oss
- com.google.android.calculator
- com.google.android.calendar
- com.google.android.configupdater
- com.google.android.contacts
- com.google.android.deskclock
- com.google.android.dialer
- com.google.android.ext.shared
- com.google.android.feedback
- com.google.android.gm
- com.google.android.gms.location.history
- com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
- com.google.android.gsf
- com.google.android.inputmethod.latin
- com.google.android.keep
- com.google.android.marvin.talkback
- com.google.android.onetimeinitializer
- com.google.android.partnersetup
- com.google.android.printservice.recommendation
- com.google.android.setupwizard
- com.google.android.tag
- com.google.android.tts
- com.google.android.videos
- com.google.android.youtube
- com.google.ar.core
- com.mediatek.atmwifimeta
- com.mediatek.mdmconfig
- com.mediatek.mdmlsample
- com.nothing.smartcenter
List of disabled packages:
- com.android.devicelockcontroller
- com.android.vending
- com.google.android.gms
- com.google.android.gms.supervision
- com.tools.datacheck
Maybe I missed something, but Netguard shows no traffic to Google Servers, and I also manage system apps, so I consider this experiment a success.
As for the default apps, I replaced Phone, Keyboard (Gboard), File manager, Gallery etc with FOSS apps from F-Droid (free apps with no internet access).
Perks: Using a phone app other than the default one might cause problems with calling Emergency Services (that’s why I keep a “stock” profile on my phone and I can always login to that profile to use the default apps). Sometimes you will have to unlock (fingerprint) in order to receive a call (but that’s manageable).
I took the time writing this as I hope this will help others eliberate and still use the beautiful Nothing phone / OS.
I also hope that if you find ways to improve this setup, you will take the time replying this thread.