adbo Thanks! Yeah they’re so good for the gym, I don’t mind people wanting to strike up conversations but at least I don’t have to fiddle with my ears when they do 😅 They work better with the Surface Pro laptop I have to use for work over my Airpods too… there was a weird bug where the airpods wouldn’t connect if the laptop was plugged into the adapter?!…IT couldn’t work it out, and I gave up complaining🤷
I will have to check out the discord server 😃
100hzpanic tbh I don’t think I really need to worry about updating just yet… I’m just getting well ahead of myself 😅
hrry Thanks! The main reason for my switch “If I deep it” (as the kids say) was a more than usable specced phone that had a great design AND was made from plastic! I’m not sure why but I associate plastic with not needing a case, while the stronger materials do?! It makes no sense really but I suppose I grew up on Nokia’s and cases were never a thing 🤣 it feels so freeing! It would be nice to go back to the days of changeable batteries and phone shells 😅
Ealesy101 Thanks! This was the second time I’ve moved from iOS to Android, and it will be the last 😅 … I never listened to that album, I think out of pure defiance!