I don’t receive this March update in nothing phone 2a
📱 Nothing Phone (2a) - Nothing OS V3.0-250304-1904 Changelog
ArifKhoja yes..
DivyanshDivyansh mee too
Just upgraded….I don’t have option Power off verify.
After the March security patch update I am facing issue in auto brightness…it is automatically getting dimmed while using phone in my 2a
Has anyone besides India received the update?
Ilya_derkach Nothing in Australia yet
previously we could install the update at the same time with the whole world, but it’s been 3 days since this update was released and it still hasn’t dropped on some phones, why did you change this setting?
Not yet received
Ilya_derkach I live in Turkey, I didn’t get it.
SUMIT TRIPATHI settings - sound and vibration - vibration is there any toogle to on off haptics on fingerprint cuz this is mentioned on phone 2 update changelog
SamarthNP1 still why they remove fingerprint vibration .. i dont like it bcz i dont use haptic vibration so yeah this is not good
If a new update does not come out, then look for it in the android update. I updated it like this.
SUMIT TRIPATHI But previously there was no option to disable the haptic feedback for fingerprint.
but now, If users want to disable it, they can.
This is a good implementation imo.
Groot54 n I don’t like it
Ilya_derkach Settings->About Phone ->Android Version->Google Play system update
Asy1bek47 Thanks, but nothing.