RoddyMerritt Messages may stay on device to Carls point, but your iCloud ID which is required to set this up, is logged into a Mac virtually in a warehouse which is how Sunbird is able to actually do this. Beeper does the same. So your iCloud ID is signed into a remote Mac, hopefully secure so no one can access it physically or virtually. A lot of potential risk there.

HiddeVanderGoot I know right! This is really exiting. I’m pretty sure they would release it on the phone 1 too! I also think that only after its completely tested, stable and optimized based on the reviews given by the phone 2 users soon this year is when they would release it for the phone 1 users early next year.

I. Love. This. Take the fight to them. There is some major potential here for the “Nothing Chat”. Would be a game changer if Nothing is able to consolidate major chats/texting into one app as well as put pressure on Apple to stop this immoral green bubble bullying game.

Nobody saw this coming, but it is a great move.

Hope to see it on Phone (1) too.

What a great company to support by using and purchasing! Great products, amazing software, bring technology together ❤️ nothing!!

Kyle dang! I’ve been a sunbird user since day 1 of launch and I am so exited to see nothing adoped a custom version! Ggs

Dang! I’ve been a sunbird user for a while and soooo happy to see nothing adopt a custom version! Ggs

Kyle DO it, bring down that wall!
Hopefully, we’ll also see this for Phone (1) or any other Android device. 🤓

MonocleRB This may be of benefit to NP2 users in the US which is dominated by iPhone owners, who overwhelmingly prefer imessages to whatsapp.

In India OTOH, whatsapp dominates, therefore here this chat app will have virtually nil impact.

MKBHD has analysed the use case of Nothing chat very well in his video which a member has linked above.

I really think this is a fantastic idea. I love the sentence “Dont build walls, lets build windows” thats how i would describe what Nothing is doing. Great jobs team, i love the way this is going, thanks for everything!! 😁🔥

Kyle Excited for this Kyle! Lmk if you need any US centric beta testing from an old pal! 😉

Kyle can anyone using sunbird already still use it and this? Or will this just release full sunbird rebranded to nothing users? Since nothing version didn’t mention other chat services like slack and telegram.


This is amazing, hoping that nothing chat is available in the Philippines.

Nothing chats is great idea. Little something to make people talk about Nothing, but if you make ecosystem please include Phone 1, because we are part of that ecosystem, more Phone 1 users and we are the first who believed in Nothing to be more than the next smart tech brand. Thank you.