itsabhi Remi F Yes, wait until this feature is enabled for your Geo location…. 😂 Jokes apart, use VPN but still can’t say that would it work or not.
itsabhi It’s a great news for limited set of people. But I would like to request for a message app and dialer app too. Google apps are boring. Please consider this request.
arsshahkyan Interested in such a question related to the fact that all new updates or additional applications are released only for the new product (Nothing phone 2), the company has released only for the smartphone but updates and applications are already separated
Derren purnachandrareddy If you’re in the US, Canada, UK or EU and have a Phone (2) Please see above as stated in the original post.
ColetSelwyn Kyle Kyle this gets me excited if implemented as user friendly as possible. Kudos to you!
Anonymous340 Welp, Apple announced RCS is coming to iPhone next year 😆 Excellent job Nothing! Breaking barriers, pushing the competition, and disrupting the space over a course of just a day.
DenkLaut Anonymous340 I also read it yesterday. This means that the Nothing Chat app will soon be unnecessary again. - But I really liked Nothing’s initiative!
GordonLutz I’m probably gonna get this app, since almost all my contacts are iPhone users and since I got my Nothing Phone 2 I no longer get WiFi Calling so I have to use WhatsApp (which is awful) for non RCS users when I’m in camp with just satellite Internet.