Here’s our previous nothing wallpapers guys and also live wallpapers u can download from playstore just like me. Thanks

    SiddheshShanbhag Thanks brother, i did as you advised, but doesn’t seem to work. If any other way please let me know or May be I’ll start a new thread.

    Did someone’s phone randomly rebooted itself after the update to 2.5.1 while playing music?

    Also i dont see feedback option in settings.

      Why weather app widget need access to localization all the time? Why i can not just set the localization instead manually?

      Turning off the localization don’t show anything.

      Im currently at 2.5.1

      How do I downgrade to 2.0.4?

      I got update today!

      Thanks !all works good,no issue at the moment.

      Got the update everything works fine except no new widgets… updated the widgets app and still nothing, can anyone help?