@Gun_Put Not receiving any option to update 2.5, it is stil showing 2.4 and Android 13. Any solution for this
📱 Phone (2) - Nothing OS 2.5 Changelog
Deepak not yet received
Regretting my decision of buying nothing phone 2 instead of pixel 8…never again.
Let’s see if the update is rolled out in 30 minutes IST
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Shyam on top of this…..
This community forum is given to users to HEAD BANG with each other with no actual HUMAN watching this from NOTHING team…
I LOVE THIS IDEA.. Carl is the man.. he knows how to contain and control the anger inside this community only instead of people shouting on social media.
Well played Carl.
Why my comments are being deleted?
SHARING AGAIN BELOW .. delete again to your convenience…
justification from unofficial source could possibly be (for no timely updates):
Updates are rolled out exclusively for beta users. The moment you move to beta (even now) you’ll get the OTA in 48 hours.
They have limited OTA licences which they are using very cautiously.
Hype was made to ensure a good sale during year end offers as well as new year offers.
Well planned for good business but with poor practice with high dissatisfaction for existing user. Always remember what Carl says in his all interviews, ITS THE PEOPLE WHO DECIDE WHO WINS AND WHO LOOSE IN THE MARKET.
Let’s see how looong and better he play with users. 3 years Android updates.. sheeshh…
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term_0 When will 2.5 update be available in Phone2?
None except waiting, in my personal opinion.
Stop crying, get a life… it’s a phone update…. Not the end of the world….
DurloveSaikia agree. i made same mistake and regret it a lot
When I was a little boy there was always a huge cry at the checkout in the supermarket because I didn’t get what I wanted. I learned from this that you don’t always get what you want and that it’s usually worth waiting a bit. some of you are worse than I was as a little boy. and you want to be an adult? crying over a late update? finally grow up!
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I wish for the option to be enabled on phone 2 to use a USB-C external microphone with the video camera to record videos with higher-quality audio.
Does anyone know how to activate it or have a solution?
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AdonayBustillo It would be a very good idea, I hope it is taken into account, I think that nowadays it can only be done with third-party applications