This was posted on head fi about the nothing phone 2a not working with the Cayin RU6.
Post in thread ‘Cayin RU6: R-2R USB Dongle DAC with Head-Amp’
Can this be resolved?
I’m looking forward to buying a Nothing phone, but as an RU6 user, the makes me have doubts.
Wow… my comment has just been merged here and I’m shocked to see how many DAC issues have been reported.
As someone who has invested a lot in different dac/amps for my headphones and iems this would be a real deal breaker.
My plan is to wait for Nothing’s next flagship release to upgrade my phone. I want to support this business if I can.
Hopefully these issues will be resolved by then given the major updates that are promised.
In the meantime I’ll sit tight. My sympathies to everyone else who have already taken the leap and encountered all these issues.