Ali Fakhruddin i have installed this app again on 17th of june i was eagerly waiting for new update .
But some things in this update made me uninstall this app. I even replied here but my reply isn’t showing so i am again writing here ..
App overhaul is great. And your and your team’s work is appreciated.
App is minimalistic and i like it review will be in 2 parts:-
1: Good
- .App layout is good
- App functions are excellent like left swipe up for. Settings
- Options to search name with alphabet placement nicely done.
- Phone call or whatsapp call in one place.
- Notes or calculator option while calling.
2: BAD
- some things make it non minimalistic. Like i’m viewing contacts history and i press back i am viewing contacts now i press back again It will lead me to recents while as in google dialer i am out of app in two back taps.
- People here are saying proximity sensor not working mine proximity censor is working even after i have cut call 2 hours ago n my screen goes black as soon as i keep my hand on proximity sensor and it gets fixed as soon as i change default app.
- After disconnecting call app remains in recent and when u tap at it in recent apps app will open & remain frezed on call screen and time duration of call during disconnected until u clear from recnets.
- Banner thing is useless in this app you cant have that bigger banner covering 1/3rd of screen and that too showing half photo. Of contact and when banner is minimised in little banner details of call doesn’t align perfectly.
- If you don’t use banner, while receiving call if you use another app and now want to go back to call u have to go to recents in case and open app from there no option.
- If i have set default app then why i m. Recieving notification of missed call from google dialer which i don’t get if i use any another app.
- No native video calling support ( video call via sim card)
- Not merging banner in notifications.
- Adding photo adds a new contact in app and sometimes you dont get photos from google imported contacts . And some times while dialing same number from recent no contact picture will be there.If you upload photo from app itself photo will be blurry again .
I hope this app gets all features and comes as default dialer in nothing os but with all bugs fixed