kush_agra - This is beautiful! Thank you! 😍

EDIT: New names!

Time for an update…

Updated list:

Aipom : Ear (1)
Ampharos : ?
Arceus : Power (1) ?
Ariados : ?
Abra : Phone (1)
Alakazam : Phone (2)
Azelf : ?
Aerodactyl : Phone (2a)

Beedrill: ?

Buizel: ?

Bellossom : Ear (stick)
Azumarill : Ear (2)
Anorith : ?
Bastiodon : ?

Cleffa: Ear (a)

Entei: Ear

Espeon: ?

Let the guessing games, continue! A nice addition of three mons, across three different generations too! What could they mean?!

a month later

I’m sure that Espeon is Phone 3, since all flagship nothing phones have been psychic type pokemons.

Buizel might be the CMF phone if that’s a real product, but CMF doesn’t have a Pokemon codename for any other device so I might be strong. Same with beedrill, it might be the new CMF watch.

Simon thanks for this, now I’m certain about what these products are

Espeon is Phone(3)

CMF Watch 2 is Buizel

CMF phone is Beedrill

a month later

I think it is time to revive this guessing game…

We have Beedrill, Espeon and Buizel and three new CMF Products. Which codename belongs to which product?! 👀

    2 months later

    It’s time for add flaaffy

    I feel like Power (1) is Kirlia. If you go to at 6:08, it is next to the Kirlia card.

      12 days later
      7 days later

      Anyone spotted the Mew and Mewtwo cards in the “Introducing Ear (open) and OS 3.0” video?
      Which products could they represent?

      22 days later

      Simon - Just wanting to thank you, for silently updating this live spreadsheet.

      I enjoy re-visiting this thread and seeing your brilliant document.

      Anyone in the Community want to speculate on what the missing “Watch Pro” codename is, to help Simon’s sheet? 👀

        Ealesy101 I can’t verify this to be true but, I saw in the discord community that someone had listed it as ‘empoleon’ 😉

          Teasing y’all for a bit here, Gastrodon is coming 🔥

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