Its funny to see the fanboys chirping in support ! As if Carl has done anybody a favor by launching a startup…

Frankly, Both phones are all hype and no show. No marketing is a blatant lie, there is a lot of viral, secret influencer based marketing going on.

Once you get over the useless disco lights and the “poor man’s iPhone” looks, you realize that this is not even a good mid ranger. Basic features like Ip68, proper low light photo/videography etc is missing. Add to that there are no updates !

First lot users of every device are being used as Guinea pigs anyway…

No wonder the mid ranger startup has to launch a mid ranger device (2a) to survive 🙂

    Samik LMAO your comments is insane xD.
    No fanboy here, just an objective user here in the forum to say what’s wrong and guide people.

    There is no lie at all in every marketing material that’s been out, period. Else, you’ll need to provide proof…
    “Useless disco light” is your way of seeing things. I use it every day, and it totally changes the way I interact with my phone at work while it is sitting on my desk.
    IP68 just don’t matter as it is IP68 in reality… it’s been years and years than companies don’t pass those test because they are expensive as fuck and would make the phone most expensive in the end. But tear down the phone, you’ll see the same water protection as an IP68 phone…
    Low light performance in Phone(2) is actually what saves the device in MKBHD blind test 😂 so clearly you are not objective over the data. Phone (2) is not great in video and in stabilization yeah, but definitely not in low light lol.
    And no updates… well there is 1 update per month for each device since the beginning, addressing more and more bugs each time and tuning the UI to what people of the community want. So either you don’t know how to go to your phone’s settings to update 🙃🙃, or you really have time problem.

      Remi F Alright….considering that I am planning to swim with the phone…let’s consider that IP68 “does not” matter for the sake of saving Nothing Phone’s grace. (maybe all other companies are dumb to get their phones IP68 compliant) !!

      You go on and on about Phone 2, but I am looking at the overall picture which includes phone 1 too…infact that was the device that users bought from an unknown startup & heck that device does not even have stable Android 14 till today. I am not even getting started on the low light cam (photo + video) of that device.

      Video recording tests the level of maturity of camera software development. Admit that the camera app is still immature. Moreover regarding software the little bug fixes are good….but why are there so many bugs in the first place? !

      The best “bug fix” Nothing dev can do now is to open Camera2 API completely so people can use 3rd party camera apps.

      Finally customer support & device quality check in different countries (sigh) 🙂

      Remi F the whole post is hilarious the whole phone costed 42 and they expect amazing camera like Google. That takes time RnD 🤣

        Ash_B 10K phone takes better pics. Just tagged you in a post. please stop these cover up posts 😂. I like the brand vision. however basics cannot be compromised.

          SrikanthKanakala It’s not a cover up, there’s just an expectation that’s unrealistic from a lot of people. You’re referencing a photo taken once, from October 2023 and since then we’ve experienced multiple software updates. To me, a regular camera user, the camera is adequate.

          I feel like (not you particularly) some people commenting about this are either coming from, or comparing against an iPhone, Google or Samsung device that not only costs 3x the price but has extensive R&D into their camera teams and software that Nothing can’t compete with (yet). Let’s be a little sensible about expectations 🙏

            Louis ☕️ sir, no company was able to rollout updates faster except nothing. Buyers bought phone 1 on the expectations of getting faster updates and latest security patches. We thought 3 years of os updates is enough to get Android 16/17 full fledgedly but the rollouts have been slowed down which isn’t acceptable. No new features than monochrome icon pack, widget pack, glyph. Even restrictions in glyphs. Still don’t have many important apps like gallery, dialer, messages, contacts, calculator. Still using Google’s stock applications. Which isn’t appealing. The os still have many bugs which I reported hopefully they’d fix it.

            We agree that nothing is a smaller companies when compared to peers but still it’s the basic responsibility to provide what is promised right?.

            Even custom roms are much better than NOS. They are rolling updates regularly and allowing to fully customise device . Yes, nothing icon pack, widget packs are not working and glyphs are not fully functional as in NOS but still they are better and feature rich when compared to NOS. If glyph api is made available for everyone then it would would be beneficial for custom roms to make glyphs work better.

            NOS doesn’t have many customisation options which made tech bored..

            Louis ☕️ Does “average camera user” translate to someone who is clueless about photography? Seems so !

              Samik I’m an “average camera user” who studied Photography at university, with previous experience in using DSLR cameras. I wouldn’t say I’m clueless about photography, but there’s an expectation that a phone camera for X price, from a company of X years will not deliver the same results as a DSLR, or a company creating devices for over a decade at prices 2-3x the price.

                Louis ☕️

                I don’t expect a camera phone to produce the equivalent of a DSLR however I don’t want my photos looking like they have been cooked which is what HDR does. Sometimes HDR is great, sometimes it isn’t. All I want is the ability to turn it off.

                If you take a photo of somebody’s face with HDR turned on it will emphasise any and every minor imperfection making the photo look harsh and unflattering. I am not talking about filtering and smoothing, just give me what my eyeball sees….it’s not rocket science.

                Louis ☕️ Your photography education is pointless in this context. Smartphone photography is inherently different. It relies on computational processing.

                Point here is simple, these 2 phones produce garbage photos and has a pathetic camera app in terms of features in spite of having good hardware. It’s simple bad programming. Other more budget friendly phones with lesser hardware produce far better output.

                  This is not addressed to anyone in particular. While Nothing is a young company they definitely don’t have te resources to play ball with the other manufacturers and software developers.

                  I’ve seen a good few comments relating to the audio side of thing’s like NP2 does have this codece, or this audio equaliser, this processing software for example. The fact we have a decent enough product in the like of NP2 yes it can and could of been much better. While I myself would love to see a much improved camera with more settings and filters every comes down to cost, royalties, licensing and sanctions along with production cost etc. So it could well be that Carl’s hands are tied for a number of reason just my 10 cents worth of input.

                  While many are looking for new features, or vast improvement on the cameras I personally thing Nothing needs to concentrate on the security aspect of the device ( locked screen should be as tiltled state’s, Locked no access to any settings especially the network side if things. Anyone can swipe down from a locked phone/ locked screen and disable the available settings).

                  The next thing I personally feel Nothing needs to consider fixing big time it the connection side of thing’s,. I read may post about Bluetooth, WiFi mobile DATA, USB-C, OTG, Nearby share connection problem, failing or not working as advertised. There after all the bugs reported need to be worked on for a stable OS. Camera which is the next important aspect of the phone can be worked on for a much needed improvements.

                  As a brand Nothing has come a long way and they need time to evolve listen to their customers and future customers.

                  OK I hate the default Google Phone, Contact, File manager Photos but there are many alternatives out there some really good free apps and those you have to pay for. I have no idea how Carl has set up his development team but I’m sure he and his team have long since looked at ideas that we all thrown out to Nothing and working hard and within a budget to bring new features and Nothing own app when they’re available.

                  Enough side thanks from someone with a NP2 European version that’s travelled many countries and the experience of using my NP has be good not perfect but definitely room for much improvement.

                  So to summarise concentrate

                  Security, Connectivity, Bugs, Stable OS and then Cameras.. (Repairs, service centres)

                  Many won’t agree with me but it’s good to talk. “Something for Nothing”


                  Samik if photography is the priority why not go for s21 fe and OnePlus 11 r or the pixel. I am using phone(2) and am really happy with what I have.

                  Nothing users exist because of the simply minimalist smooth software which only few people appreciates. OnePlus’s UI feels like a clutter and isn’t well arranged. Samsung S21 gets too hot and isn’t that smooth and powerful. And pixel has it’s own major issues…

                  So yeah everything has it’s own set of flaws.

                  I agree there is some hype..but that’s part of the marketing strategy…if u are a nothing user..u should have choosen it for what it is

                  *the useful part of glyph lights which many find useful

                  *stable and smooth ui experience that is clutter free and as good as a pixel but without the heating and performance issues.

                  *The minimalist people who really appreciate the aesthetics and yes the design too.

                  *It has excellent network connectivity and is reliable for work.

                  *Excellent battery backup.

                  …and if that’s not the case…bad decision buddy.

                    SuprojitKayal If photography is a priority I can name 10 models better than the one’s u mentioned. But that’s beyond the scope of discussion here.

                    Simple minimalist smooth software? Nobody sane needs to look beyond any Pixel, any Android One device or heck…any modern Moto.

                    Minimalist DOES NOT mean missing/broken functionality. That’s just escapism. The camera app is the crux of that.

                    Nothing ph: Good hardware; wasted.

                      RajeshRkurup Quick question then why does Apple offer 6 years of software updates and has been since 2017 if nobody was using their phones that long. Google already committed to 7 years of updates with their Pixel 8 lineup. There is no longer any differentiator between nothing and google if you want a ‘vanilla’ android experience especially with the upcoming generation tensor chips moving to custom designs instead of rebadging a exynos fabbed on Samsung’s crappy 4nm node bolting a AI accelerator, slapping a Tensor sticker on and calling it a day.

                      I fail to see at least for people that bought this phone for getting a clean user experience (myself included), why they’d get something from nothing instead of a pixel in successive generations if they don’t have feature parity as prices inch ever closer.

                      Mind you i only compared software, if you even remotely mention camera performance or AI features nothing gets left further in the dust. So yes if you want to remain competitive you have to step up to your competitors else your competition which you keep getting closer to in price without feature parity will eat up your market share.

                        not like i can stick to a phone more than 3 years anyways, things get out dated pretty fast and i switch asap i experience hiccups. Been with Apple before and literally swapped every 3 years. so i feel like 3years os update + 1 security is enough (for me)