Hello, So, I used this CMF Watch Pro for about 20-hour-ish when I write this post. There is something bothering me about the built in GPS and how I used the it when running outdoor, this is my first “true” smartwatch that have build in GPS, I’ve used to use an old miband 2, and with that miband stat tracking of my exercise just a placebo for motivation to stay healthy.
What I expect with Watch Pro is a true experience upgrade, so, I start the exercise menu, pick the running outdoor, wait for the GPS to connect and press start, I start running, in my resting walk, I look at the app and in the exercise page of the App it doesn’t start my outdoor running, so I just guess “oh when I complete my running on the watch it probably sync later”.
I complete the running, the data sync (steps, calories, distance etc), but the map doesn’t show the route I run before. that’s weird. I’ve tried run twice and it does the same, no route tracking on the map, just show a default map in exercise data.
What I want to ask is:
1. **Is the exercise page CMF App on the phone need to be started also so I can have my route tracking ?**then what’s the point of the built-in-GPS on the watch if the app use my iPhone built-in-gps for the route tracking ? and How can solve this issue ?
2. What’s the difference in starting exercise on the CMF App on the Phone with the one starting in the CMF Watch beside the sensor data tracking ? why it not sync the exercise start (for the same exercise, like Outdoor Running) in my watch and in my iPhone CMF App ? it’s like I can use CMF App without the watch in the end if I just need the route tracking or any other running route tracker.
The whole point I got this watch is to have a basic, essential, working function of a smarter watch to motivate me to stay healthy, it probably not as advances or accurate as Apple Watch, I can live with the imperfection, but not working properly is a bummer bad experience, All of this good hardware design will go to waste. I’ve manage the other issue that come with this CMF watch but not this one, it still bothering me.
If the argument about this watch is “this is a budget watch, don’t expect such a perfect product”, that’s lame, because in the end, what makes the GPS failure either from hardware issue or software issue, my words only “don’t put feature you can’t even support or worse, can’t make it work properly”
If this a hardware issue I guess there is no hope for me to trust this company, if it’s software issue let’s just say I keep the watch until some dev shine a light on this issue. What I need it’s just a proper announcement of some key issue and what cause that issue. That’s the point of this forum. it’s okay to be transparent with some PR word mixed with it, but silence and pretend there’s no problem at all with the product it’s just disgusting.