Facing green tint or patch like things in my nothing phone 2 in lock screen as well as display while at in dark room & night. From 0 to 50cent brightness level is that hard ware or software issue?
Green tint problem with my nothing phone
Can you share an external photo maybe ?
Did you try to contact the Nothing support ? It could be a hardware problem, they will be able to assist you with your photo.
Disable night mode in display settings. Unfortunately when you have night mode enabled makes grey get a green tint.
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Same issue here, latest update, top ⅓ of display shows a gree hue tint when display brightness is around 20%. More noticeable in portrait mode.
Phone can display black perfectly on a random image from Google, however weird green-ish tinting still exists, even after testing multiple display optional changes.
Any ideas for a temp fix? Seems this is UI related so maybe a different launcher would fix it?
MadOne I have also same issue just like yours , it stays in lockscreen though but it looks bad. Should I go to the service centre?
shivanshsinha_ROPAiw6egN yes I think you should visit service centre. I visited Delhi service centre back in April and they replaced the screen. But issue still not resolved. I guess the problem lies in fingerprint scanner.
MadOne no but in my case the widgets that I m using in lockscreen are also showing the same and the control centre in lockscreen also has that , I m in Lucknow, I will visit tomorrow let’s see if they replace display or give me the new unit.
shivanshsinha_ROPAiw6egN did they replace it and is it fixed now?
They didn’t even adress it as a problem , I m disappointed but what to do , just using as it is
I got phone 1 with green tint issue. got it replaced and better piece.
Anonymous297 does it solve gh issue
RohitTiwary I dont see any green tint issue tbh. I dont really stream videos or anything on phone. so never faced it.
Anonymous297 son your display work fine?
RohitTiwary yours dont?
My Nothing phone 2 has green tint when I swipe down from the lock screen