How to find fake charger brick vs original charger brick. I believe with some serial no reference we can find right. Pls assist with that. I have bought a original charger and and I doubt it to be fake.
How to check whether my charger is official?
Buy Gan changer
arunbiretheep You can try and contact support using this link and ask them about the serial numbers.
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arunbiretheep Hi, put in the S/N No mentioned in the product box using the following link: Product Status – Nothing India
@Sayan_Dutta so it took me to nothing’s official page and showed the charger. Nice!
arunbiretheep You are welcome/
Recently bought CMF 65W GaN Adapter and it has a serial number and the box has a different serial number(strange) also on the box the color mentioned is different. How do I know if it’s the original or not. And in this case how can I go to the service centre for warranty claim if in case I face some issues ?
How check my charger is original or fake
- By S/N number
- By quality
- Try to purchase from verified seller
arunbiretheep I purchased nothing 45 watt charger 2 times and got the same serial no. PH02042228005721 . Maybe you have a fake charger if its serial number is same. Finally i purchased cmf gan charger from flipkart that is real.
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In your Gan charger if you keep the charger in a way that the ports are facing you, if the port-a is downwards like the open space is at the top and the port is at the bottom then your charger is original.
HG03112438090947 check my charger
Sayan_Dutta what will the fake charger show
SuriyaBhai bro your charger not detected