Looks like another amazing event again, let’s see if I’m lucky or not this time.

Will be impossible for me to travel to London in the middle of the week (too much work), too bad it would be great !! Enjoy this experience, those who will be selected !

    This would be amazing to do, if I get to do it, I’ll be down the next day

    I’m curious to know, if someone was interested in doing this and met every other criteria other than being based in London, would they still be considered or accepted for this? Also consider that they are able to take a flight to London if need be.

      Penumbruh I think it shouldn’t be a problem, as the general rule is “Be based in London, or be able to travel to London easily” If it’s easy enough for you to take a flight, give it a try!

        Thanks everyone who has expressed interest in this activity! The form has now closed and we will be contacting selected members over the next day 🙂

        Kastello Oof I was a little bit too late but good luck to all those that filled out the form!