you need to use adb tool to enable glyph interface in debug mode. If you can use adb the command to type is in the first post.

I tried the apl and loved it’s interface. But even after running the adb command and starting glyph interface in debug mode, I’m unable to see the timer progress in my nothing phone 2 glyph lights.

Am I missing anything here?

    Mirko_ddd I installed the app, granted the permission via shizuku(adb) and tried did not work

    Also tried giving the permission by connecting to a laptop and then granting adb permission but still did not work.

    Any other step?

    Just to put it out there, I’m on 2.5.2 and not on 2.5.3 unlike phone 1 and 2a. Phone 2 hasn’t received it yet. Can that be the reason?

      Here’s the post on X where it is displayed how it works on phone 2a, and following the video on now to enable Glyph in debug mode without adb.

        7 days later


        How to enable debug mode?

        Step 1: Make sure your Nothing devices are running Android version 14 or newer

        Step 2

        For Phone (1) and Phone (2) users, you can debug the Glyph Interface via adb command: adb shell settings put global nt_glyph_interface_debug_enable 1

        For Phone (2a) users, you can debug the Glyph Interface in developer options


        How to enable debug mode?

        Step 1: Make sure your Nothing devices are running Android version 14 or newer

        Step 2

        • For Phone (1) and Phone (2) users, you can debug the Glyph Interface via adb command: adb shell settings put global nt_glyph_interface_debug_enable 1

        • For Phone (2a) users, you can debug the Glyph Interface in developer options

          Mirko_ddd Tried it, did not work. But now since youe team has got the key, I’ll wait for the app update.

          Thanks for the great app, loved it’s UI and haptic feedback integration.