Battery is draining very fast. Within 1 hour more than 15% of battery is using.

I noticed that my phone battery drains quickly at night. I charged it to 80% before going to bed, but when I woke up, it had dropped to 59%. Can someone explain why this happens?

    Merged 2 posts from Unexplained Overnight Battery Drain: What’s Happening?.

    ANEESHM you have an open apps that working in the background? Yours internet/wi-fi is working at night?

    Try to off the interner/wi-fi at night and close all the apps that running in the background.


      Yes, even I have purchased phone 2a plus.

      Battery life is not as expected, as it would drain in less than 1 day with regular usage.

      Hoping for the battery enhancement in next update.

      vovan-v 21% battery drain seems a bit excessive, even with background processes. I also have a spare phone, and I haven’t noticed anything like this happening with it.

        I have nothing phone 2a, using it for the last 4 months.

        Recently i an facing a battery drain issue. Battery drains by 20% overnight after wifi and mobile data off.Nothing please bring a update and fix the issue,i am still paying emi for the phone. Seriously bought this phone after beliving in you guyzz….pls help.

        ANEESHM yes it’s very strange becouse i don’t facing that kind of isuess my battery is not drain at all at night time, i charging at night in airplane mode and the i wake up firdt time around 00:00-01:00 and unplugging the cable, and untin 07:00 i still have 100%.

        ANEESHM in order to find out what is happening with your phone you should share battery screenshots with the apps listed too.

        Looking at a graph without knowing the apps you use is pretty useless. Do you leave WiFi/data/Bluetooth/NFC turned on during the night?

        I can tell you that I have WiFi always on and I also leave the Bluetooth connection turned on during the night. The maximum “drain” I got was 3% during a 8/9 hour sleep period. That’s a huge difference from the 21% you said.

        My phone’s battery backup is pretty good. Overnight drain is generally around 2-3% (around 7 hours). It generally pushes nearly 2 days standby with 6-7 hours sot and battery drain from 84% to between 20-15%. I disabled dijital wellbeing, battery optimization and aod, i use dynamic refresh rate. Also, i use an opensource app to freeze some apps which i don’t want them to works backround when they are not in use such as instagram, reddit, x etc. The app name is hail, you can download from f-droid or over internet(need shizuku). My battery backup is pretty consistent through updates.

        I also need to mention that, my nfc, bluetooth, location are off when not in use.

          faxcon We can’t really limit our phone potential, can we?

          Ofc the sot will be more better if you use any phone like that.

          Gotta turn on the well being, high refresh rate,5g(I have no wifi),haptics, glyphs and certain other features.

          What’s the use of the features if we don’t use them.

            faxcon yes it’s important to cancel AOD and use only a dynamic refresh rate, another thing that is recommended is to always use dark mode.


            Actually google play services using the most at the night time and I don’t know why that app uses this much of battery. Any idea about that?


            AOD really drains battery much. Around 1% percent per hour. Daily around 20%. It kills too much battery in idle. Dijital wellbeing is not necessary for me. No 5g in my country, yes high refresh rate better but dynamic is more balanced for smoothness-battery consumption, my glyph is on, and i don’t use haptics. Aside 5g, aod and high refresh rate the others not drain much battery i believe. I love high sot battery life.

              I’m experiencing a significant battery drain on my Nothing Phone 2a after connecting it to a device via Bluetooth, particularly with my CMF Watch 2 Pro. To manage the battery drain, I’m forced to enable Battery Saver mode, but this shuts down background apps that need to stay connected, like the CMF Watch app. When this happens, the watch shows it’s connected via Bluetooth, but I stop receiving notifications on the watch, and I can’t make calls from it—the screen just stays static. I have to disconnect and reconnect the watch to fix it. I’ve also noticed this issue sometimes happens even when Battery Saver is off. Could you please look into this passive disconnection issue and suggest a fix?

              Merged 1 post from Battery Drain Issue in Nothing Phone 2a via Watch and Buds.

              faxcon AOD kills not only the battery, it’s killing the screen too, and then people see burn in issues.

              Battery drainage very fast. In just 3 hrs of screen, battery depleted about 55-60%. It’s been only 1 week of purchase

              Merged 1 post from Battery drain issue .