Ear (2) was a beetle as well, Nothing never used the same animal code before, is it possible that it’s an updated version of Ear (2) ?
🐸 🪲 - What could this mean?
Yep, it’s definitely a good theory
Ear (2) is already damn good for it’s price right now. So a totally new product (ear(3)) wouldn’t be a good idea.
Ear(2) V2 makes more sense !
Remi F As long as the stick get an upgrade any time as well. I personally can´t bear the "real” in-ears, which is I rock AirPods 3 instead of AirPods Pro 2. Same with the ear products of NOTHING. At present, I can´t use the ear 2 and the stick are fairly old now..
Need new Ear stick with a mini case. That would be cool though.
Looking forward to seeing what both of these represent. Frog is a new creature to all of us!
Another bugged device
The frog is Ear 3 and it’s jumping over Ear 2 (the beetle) as to say Ear 3 will be a major step forward from Ear 2
I’m still set on "Nothing Head (1).
between nothing and cmf we got 5 pairs earbuds and no headphones ,
- (Edited)
Is a really good theory
Although an Ear (3) could not be at good new product right now, maybe a headphones could be better option
Frog is jumping over the bettle
! I guess it must be an overhead headphones