Martin_S_ _ID_ Thanks for the appreciation. Really glad you like it. Which part of the design is your favorite? Did you participate in the project as well?
Martin_S_ vovan-v thank you very much for your compliment of my work. I had many ideas in my head but I went with this and it was only one I did 3d modeling and was happy with it right away. Did you participate also?
vovan-v Martin_S_ no i not designer, but keep pushing in the next apportunities i believe you can do better concopts in the future.
Martin_S_ vovan-v Thank you very much for your reply and I really appreciate your positive feedback that you like my design. If any similar opportunity occurs I will definitely jump in. Thanks again and have a great day.
Martin_S_ Sharath_0-8 Which part do you mean? The whole bottom part or that small rectangle near bottom right edge? Could be nice concept