📱 Phone (2) - Nothing OS 2.5.5 Changelog
Can you improve the haptics of the np2 just like 2a . It is really weak when compared to the oneplus phones . Also give us a option to control its intensity .
I still haven’t even gotten 2.5 yet, neither has my friend that bought a (2) at the same time as me. Everytime I go to update it just says updates temporarily unavailable. It’s been like this since I got the phone 5 months ago.
ProllyGone Hey, did you try to remove your SIM card and check for update?
thalapathy This problem is there since 2.5.3 update.
SiddheshShanbhag So any resolution? bdw I didn’t face that in 2.5.3!
Please do something for nothing phone 2 portrait clicks
Wonder why on Phone 2A and Phone 1 with the 2.5.5 update they got hide status bar icons and on the phone 2 with the same version we did not?
KarlKeppler ?Can it really be hidden? How to operate
After 2.5.5 update phone 2 have some network problem I think ! Previously I get good network connectivity even network signal strength is low .. but now that same place not getting data speed as before! Any one have like this problem?
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After the update I am facing some issues with my phone 2 device like display is not getting turned on (AOD) when tap, while making calls display turns off even if it’s not placed on ear.
Can somebody assist me how to resolve the same..?
Charan_DSCR tru Remove and then and your caller no is showing in video
For me Battery life have been degraded quite a bit for me after 2.5.5 ..I was able to play pubg 6+hrs continuously but now after the update I was only able to reach 4.5 to 5 hrs max continues gameplay
I haven’t received it on my phone 2 yet..?
With just 5 min of normal usage , the phone 2 gets very heated
Firmware (bot) portrait mode do not working for ultra HD no increase in brightness in my device and portrait mode badly affected after update. This should be fixed