This is purely out of curiosity, but I was wondering that despite reading and hearing that Nothing is doing well with phone sales it’s still a relatively small company compared to the “big boys”. So I was wondering does anyone actually know anyone else in real life that owns a Nothing Phone of any sort, or seen someone else with one? For myself I’ve never seen anyone else with one, but we were at a family barbecue recently and I’m not sure if didn’t see someone with one, but I didn’t get a chance to ask. But what about any of you?

    MarkG13 I am in London - I’ve seen community members at events have them but that’s probably expected. In the real world I’ve maybe saw 1 person with one and a couple with Nothing earphones. When I had my Phone 1 and I was at a bar flashing my glyphs no one seemed to care or be bothered what the lights were. Maybe they were too busy enjoying the music 🎶 😂

    Would be curious if others have spotted any around in general

    I have already seen about 10 People with a nothing phone

    Two other people in my office have Nothing Phones (2, 2a) based on my recommendation 😀, and one of our clients definitely uses the NP(1). From time to time I see someone in metro (Prague) with Nothing or CMF earbuds.

    I live in Paris and I’ve seen 4 or 5 people with the Nothing Phone 2 in the metro and more than ten people with the ears. In a market dominated by iPhone and Samsung, this is big.

    A few years back a colleague of mine was searching for a good phone in a good price/quality range. I talked to him about Carl’s new ‘Nothing’ company and that ‘Nothing’ was going to announce their Nothing Phone 1 soon, and maybe he should wait a bit for that announcement.
    A few months after the announcement and release of the phone, I saw him with the Nothing Phone 1 in the office. It looked so cool with the glyph system and he was pretty happy about the price/quality range. A year later I bought the Nothing Phone 2 replacing my Samsung S21 FE as I wanted a phone with better battery life and a better brightness under full sunlight. (and the snapdragon 888 was a bit of a hothead)

    So yeah, long story short, other than my colleague I currently never saw someone else with a Nothing Phone.

    Thank you everyone for your replies so far (apart from the last one that’s not even about my question). I guess it’s more likely that you are more likely to see other users in bigger cities, but in smaller cities like mine and maybe the person in Russia (I don’t know if yours is a smaller place) it’s probably less likely, unless you’ve got friends or family to buy one. Hopefully more people will share their thoughts as well 😊

      I’m living in Hong Kong. Ever since getting a Nothing ’phone for the first time early last month, I’ve been paying attention to what ’phones others are using, hoping to see another user of a Nothing ’phone or a user of a CMF ’phone, but I’m yet to see any user of Nothing or CMF ’phones in the flesh. I’ve, however, seen a few second‑hand Nothing ’phones in second‑hand–’phone shops in a city in western Hong Kong near where I live: that’s the closest I’ve got to seeing an actual user.

      I’ve seen quite a few Phone (1) and (2) in the wild. Saw one in the airport last week, saw one on the train last month, saw one on the tube this evening. They’re certainly out there, I am looking for them mind but, I always look and nod, they probably think I’m a freak but, hey, I just hope they’re in the community 😛

      I have mostly seen people who use the nothing ears. I am the only person I’ve seen using a NP 1.

      MarkG13 nahh it’s funny.

      I owe nothing phone 2 and previously before the launch of phone 2, four of my friends already owned nothing phone 1. And Now some of my friends even switched to phone 2a plus . So to me it’s a multiplier to the company!!!

      Live in Israel, I have not seen anybody with any Nothing phone yet expect myself.

      I live in a small town in Italy and there’s only one person (other than me) who owns a Nothing Phone.

      Although, I have a friend in a city nearby which uses Ear(1) and I’ve also spotted a guy at a concert with Phone(1).

      I live in Kerala, India, and I believe that Nothing has a decent customer base in India. Although Nothing is a small company compared to the giants in the mobile industry, its impressive sales achievements in a short time make it a strong competitor against these larger companies.

      I Fell Nothing not in every hand in area because people who Buy phone first they see Sevice centre but nothing service centre is not available in my area Samsung Service centre is available so I see generally Samsung.

      And one thing I want to say Nothing Has to trust gain from people .

        Satish Kumar 🇮🇳 Thank you for your second response, but with respect they are nothing to do with the questions I have asked. If you want to make your point about what you are saying, please start your own thread and not do it here.

          MarkG13 I forgot to say - I am in London BTW - the home of Nothing - and I haven’t seen many yet when I’ve been out and about - events and things aside. I just came back from a holiday in Toronto, Canada and I saw one person on a bus who looked liked they had a Nothing phone - they definately had Ear Sticks as I could see ther Nothing design.