Hardik I am on phone 2a and still unable to set it as default.
Nothing Gallery App - Direct access from camera
Am11 mine works with no problem
No idea brother,mine is not working
I don’t understand the hype around gallery app. It is of no use in its current form. It is very basic and bare minimum app which does not serve any purpose.
SainathGajale As of now, I agree with you. But the app is still in development. I think we should wait for updates.
Same issue on my nothing phone 2a
When taking pictures, the camera preview automatically redirects to Google Photos instead of the Nothing Gallery. The Nothing Gallery app works with the camera only if Google Photos is disabled.
Same here brother
as the title in play store already says, early access, so y’all should know there will be final RC update too. pls google what is early access in app. and the complain. else dont use app until final RC is released. at least do lil research before crying out loud.
Nothing001 May I ask you, have you downloaded the gallery from google play, or was it shipped with 3.0 update?
AgentY I am still on 2.6
I got it from playstore. this is early released despite the OS.
Anonymous297 and does it work with camera app?
AgentY nope. it doesnt as it says, its in early access, so integration with camera and gallery app must be pending. which is obvious coz its still in early stage.
Anonymous297 I know, just trying to find a reason why for some users the app works with camera while for others it doesn’t and my theory right now is that it works for everyone who didn’t download it from playstore and got it from NOS 3.0 update, but I can’t confirm it as I have also downloaded it. :/ That’s why I’m asking people whose gallery works.
AgentY ohhhh
So Problem on nothing 2a
Hardik Yeah
AgentY From the playstore
Nothing001 welp, that breaks my theory, no I’m clueless as to why this is happening.