Stage 3 of The Community Edition Project is now open for submissions: Packaging Design
This is your opportunity to create a unique packaging design that delivers a wonderful first impression and represents the product within. Be sure to consider the winning hardware and wallpaper designs before you get started!
Visit nothing.tech to see the full brief and rules for Stage 3. The brief will tell you everything you need to know to make a successful submission, and what our panel will be looking out for. Be sure to read this carefully before making an entry.
All valid submissions will be visible in the public gallery once they have been approved.
You can enter all Community Edition stages, but submissions for each stage are limited to 1 per person. Please take your time when making creating an entry, as they cannot be edited afterwards.
View Stage 3 Brief
Entries for the Packaging Design stage close on 21 June at 10:00pm (BST).
Let us know when you’ve submitted your idea - we’d love to see your design process and some behind the scenes here on community!
Best of luck! 🍀