Stage 3 of The Community Edition Project is now open for submissions: Packaging Design

This is your opportunity to create a unique packaging design that delivers a wonderful first impression and represents the product within. Be sure to consider the winning hardware and wallpaper designs before you get started!

Visit to see the full brief and rules for Stage 3. The brief will tell you everything you need to know to make a successful submission, and what our panel will be looking out for. Be sure to read this carefully before making an entry.

All valid submissions will be visible in the public gallery once they have been approved.

You can enter all Community Edition stages, but submissions for each stage are limited to 1 per person. Please take your time when making creating an entry, as they cannot be edited afterwards.

View Stage 3 Brief

Entries for the Packaging Design stage close on 21 June at 10:00pm (BST).

Let us know when you’ve submitted your idea - we’d love to see your design process and some behind the scenes here on community!

Best of luck! 🍀

    My daughter 8 years old, loved the nothing 2a so much, that she decided to draw her own girlish phone, watch and earbuds.

    Her name is Neferu which is an old Egyptian name.

    @Rob ⚡️ Hey Rob! I have noticed that my submissions in the prior two stages have been named - “Unnamed Unnamed”. Even though I have entered my name on the profile page on . Is there a way to fix this ?

      I see that in the template folder there is not an high definition image of the phone itself.

      Can we interpret it as an invitation to give free rein to our imagination or should we recover this asset ourselves?

      Edit: forgot to mention @Rob ⚡️

        Mirko_ddd The phone is currently still in development, so we have no final imagery at this time. I would think you can repurpose some of the work submitted by Astrid and Kenta if your design needs to include an image of the hardware itself.

        flo_rahil Looking into this it seems to be when you’re logged in with a Google account that it doesn’t seem to pull your name… if this happens to you, feel free to tag me and I can manually edit your entry 🙂

          Mirko_ddd Thank you, Mirko. Wish you good luck for this stage as well. Excited to see what you cook up.

            Can’t believe we’re onto Stage 3 already! Exciting stuff and as always, looking forward to seeing what our creative bunch come up with 🔥

            Mirko_ddd Ah no worries man, you will get some ideas eventually. Also the deadline is much longer than Stage 2. Funny story - I had planned a lot in regards to how the package inside the box would look only to find out that the stage brief is only asking the design for the outer packaging.

              flo_rahil yep, I also thought a different box, but it’s exactly the same as the one I have. Well, maybe it’s better like this, so we can just focus on the print

              flo_rahil I was thinking different forms of packaging and methods of unboxing before the brief, and thought I’d have to do a 3d animation in Blender 🤠

              Opening the ball, my submission is approved and online! Hope you’ll like it.

              And good luck to all designers!