Fractal - No one is shutting down your opinion sharing, infact, in Louis’ reply and in my own, we are inviting you to further develop your ideas. We enjoy the active engagement in the Community.

Fractal Care to explain what do you mean by “remove the entire design concepts of those submissions already made” ? We are removing entire what?

Certainly, please see Stealth’s message. This is what I was referring to, and your agreement with their points.

stealth The final design team would know that spending money on such gimmicks is unnecessary

stealth What even is the point of that on box.

I appreciate Stealth’s message, but as mentioned before, we are inviting you both to further develop these ideas into a submission. I would love to see what both or either of you could submit as a box design, this doesn’t have to be done as a graphic design itself, merely a worded breakdown would suffice, as the submission brief allows.

Fractal But It is interesting to see you guys hanging on to the idea of “If you want to share your opinions about something, you should have your own ideas to make the subject better”.

This is entirely the end goal of a discussion, no? What is the point of shouting “this is bad” into the void, it benefits no one.

Do I believe that glow in the dark packaging has a future past the first time you see it? Maybe not, but the design of the Community Edition of Phone (2a) is just that, glow in the dark. The design brief invites those who submit to pay attention to the winners of Stage One and Two, to create a cohesive design, hence the popular design choice of a glow in the dark box.

Happy to see variety in the submissions as you say:

Fractal entries like these are what makes the contest interesting.

Hope this helps clears up where I was coming from and I appreciate your engagement in the Community. I just hope that it comes with more friendly intentions going forwards and not aiming disrespect to those who have been selected to be voluntary Moderator’s of this Community.

I think it is best we leave this “discussion” here.
All of the best to the amazing designs we have received so far and I look forward to the voting stage opening, to really enjoy the wonderful work that has been submitted by this Community and to see the eventual winner.


    Yes, Louis and your replies have been really inviting of opinions and all the active engagement in the community. I cannot agree more on that, I believe it would be better to lock replies on threads like these and allow replies only from people who have submitted a entry, even if its some ai generated text concept. That would really sum up the community driven facade of the brand.

    It is clear that what @stealth has shared is an important opinion. It will help people decide on what would be real-world, feasible and cost effective choice and my replies show that I agree with that.

    Still dont see how those opinions would translate to “remove the entire design concepts of those submissions already made”

    Ealesy101 This is entirely the end goal of a discussion, no? What is the point of shouting “this is bad” into the void, it benefits no one.

    Yes, I agree with you are. Shouting “this is bad” into the void benefits no one. It is better to not reply or share any thought or whatsoever if its not going to benefit anyone. Good catch. What @stealth started was a discussion, which would eventually lead to one such “end goal” and not start from the end goal. That is how discussions work, I believe.

    I have not disrespected any moderators.

    Yes leave the discussion here and let’s ensure that nobody else dares to share their opinion about the current submissions unless they are qualified to do so.

    @Louis ☕️ @Ealesy101 Wait. It seems like either of you guys didn’t understand what was originally said or you didn’t read it at all. And some of the above message is taking some of the stuff I said out of context. I did not say anything negative towards @Louis ☕️ and I did not violate any community guidelines. I also did not specifically mention any entry in my original comment or called it bad. It has all been respectful on my end.

    Please refer the original comment and check the thread - stealth

    In my original comment, I provided a solution and later in conversation with Louis referenced Rahil’s design as a great example of meeting the brief’s requirements. It is important to read and understand the brief, which clearly states (in the very second line actually) the need for a packaging design that makes a wonderful FIRST impression and represents the product effectively.

    I believe that the glow-in-the-dark designs may not effectively convey a wonderful first impression as they require a dark environment to be completely seen. The solution, in my opinion, lies in simplicity.

    Regarding the “special” feel for the box, this is not the special edition. This is the “community edition” I suggest incorporating elements that highlight the contributions of the community, similar to Rahil’s design with the representation of the community stages as he has done on the back of the box. Alek has done something of the sort too.

    I just wish more submissions would focus on what actually is important here.

    Overall, I believe that a focus on simplicity and incorporating community elements will lead to a more effective and impactful packaging design for the product instead of “Hold the box in the dark and see the other side” kind of designs.

    I would love to end this here as well. My point was already made in the first comment. But this was taken very differently than what was intended.

    The thing is that, phosphorescence is all about glowing in the dark, which makes some ideas of the box having tinted phosphorescence is a unique and out of the box idea, but, at the same time, @stealth also makes a valid point.

    But anyways, everyone has their own creativity. So let’s just go with it and may the best person win.

    Rob ⚡️
    I am excited to introduce the packaging for the Nothing Phone 2a Community Edition, made entirely from recycled paper. This design significantly reduces our environmental footprint by decreasing waste, the consumption of natural resources, and CO2 emissions, thanks to a more efficient and sustainable production compared to new paper.

    Apart from its ecological impact, this packaging stands out for its minimalist and elegant aesthetic, with a natural texture that offers a unique unboxing experience. Additionally, the use of soft colors in the fluorescent design of the Community Edition and the reduction of pigments contribute to a sustainable and stylish design that redefines the presentation of advanced technology.

    Best regards and good luck

    Rob ⚡️ hey rob why was my stage 3 submission got rejected

    I will be voting for Romain on the Stage 3 Packaging Design as I find he’s concept design matches the Stage 1 Phone design and I like the way he added the Stage 2 Wallpaper underneath/back of the box.

    In my opinion I give his Design a 10/10 ===> 100%

      This was my submission unfortunately got rejected,don’t know why. Congratulations to those who got selected.

      Hi, I am Giffin from India

      Jumping straight into the contest ,the Nothing phone 2a Community Edition (stage 3).I didn’t had the time or the oppertunity to do a visual representation of my idea but I will express it through my words.

      The idea behind my design for the phone box is to “integrate every phone 2a varients into a single design” including the stage 1 winning design, which altogether express the whole phone 2a lineup which are a integral part behind the community edition project and to show case the road behind this contest

      Let’s “divide the cover “into” 4 equal parts” in which each part has the 4 different portions of each varients of phone 2a “keeping the actual design” of the previous boxes but “slightly zoomed out” ( by 10-20% or something ) image to integrate the 4 designs

      Top left :

      It should have the portion of “phone 2a BLACK” varient

      Top right :

      It should have the portion of “phone 2a special edition ” varient

      Bottom left :

      It should have the portion of “phone 2a white” varient

      Bottom right :

      It should have the portion of “phone 2a Indian edition (blue)”

      Now using the “COMMUNITY EDITION” stage 1 winning design , let’s use the “green-tinted phosphorescent material element” ( let’s say that glow factor using something )on the phone cover like how it is implemented in that design ( which “glows when it is dark on the portions in which the winnings design gas implemented”)

      Now for the last part it may or may not be successfull in implementation ,if successful it may or may not be suitable or appears good I can’t judge it with my thoughts ( the idea is to add the stage 1 winning design day version to the camera lens which should appear to the customer only at a certain angle, like a glow in the eye )

      This is my idea for the stage 3 competition.This is not inspired from anything or anyone ,purely based on my thoughts.if my design hurts someone in any ways please do take this as my apology.


        I believe your text got rejected due to the fact that there was no visual representation. The guy who mentioned something about people sharing text suggestions is not a mod, so thats that.

        Good idea on including all four variants and tying them up in a way to introduce CE edition. But this packaging design would benefit more from keeping all the attention towards CE edition’s visual identity.

        For the last part, you mean the lenticular design right?

          So whilst I am waiting for my submission to get approved 🙏 I thought I’d post a little update here.

          It’s my first submission and I missed the deadline for the Wallpaper design due to ‘life stuff’ For background, I run my own 3D ‘Studio’ essentially myself and freelance help on bigger client projects, but have always specialized in Apparel and Footwear industries and discovered the Nothing Community after a friend convinced me to trade my iPhone in for a Nothing phone recently.

          My main motivation for entering was, after taking a year out of work after my wife gave birth to our first child I have been struggling to get back into a rhythm with clients and personal projects and felt these community projects would be something to focus on and also produce work in a product area outside of my comfort zone.

          In my submission, ‘More is Less’ - Dieter Rams inspired of course - I wanted to take the established layout and aesthetic for the Phone ( 2a) packaging and give it a subtle, but striking development. I started by looking through Nothing’s design language and looked at ways of deconstructing their forms and grids, but still keeping the unique design aesthetic of the (2a) phone.

          In 3D I then went about recreating a product shot in Cinema 4D & Redshift, that showed off the ‘dark mode’ of the Stage 1 winner with a focus on texturing and beautiful details. I felt that realistically, glowing ink for the packaging wouldn’t be practical in terms of both cost and it ever getting seen in real life, but added some hints of it to lift the imagery which itself carries the phosphorescent theme.

          The final image was a composite of multiple renders which can be seen more clearly in a small video that was part of the submission. I just wanted to share some low res jpgs here, as I uploaded the submission hours ago, but it is yet to be approved :/ fingers crossed.

          It’s wonderful to see and now be part of such a thriving design community.

            Rob ⚡️ Hey Rob! The same thing happened to me; my proposal appears as “Unnamed.” Could you help me with this? Thanks!

              Inspired by high-tech design and minimalism, I named my packaging “Tilt” to capture dynamic light and motion through holographic elements. Tilting the box reveals shimmering patterns, making the first encounter exciting and futuristic.

              The sleeve features intricate holographic foil that catch light in various ways. I used simple lines and shapes to enhance the effect, creating an elegant and striking design.

              I integrated the product name ‘(2a)’ and the Nothing logos in a contrasting color to complement the visual harmony. The subtle branding keeps the focus on the holographic interplay.

              “Tilt” transforms unboxing into a journey of discovery, with each tilt revealing new facets of the geometric patterns. This ensures a memorable first impression, reflective of the phone’s high quality.

                Fractal not exactly lenticular design but in a way it is ( my idea was like the eyes of anime characters when they got excited or something, they shine in a way at certain angles)

                  Fractal - thank you kindly, it was tough decision to break the 2 ‘eyes’ layout, but I did want to try something a little different and see how far the crops could be pushed before you didn’t recognise the product. Was fun to work on overall….


                    Fractal I used the stage 1 winning design as the main contest as the design mainly focuses on shining at night the same concept is implemented over the whole cover in order to glow during night


                      The crop in your entry really looks awesome if I am being honest, it is really attractive. I really like the simplicity and the whole presentation. If 2a never had that fresh eyes and other eyes related marketing, your take would have really hit the home run.

                      The one eye crop has this high quality, premium feel to it. Almost like a tease.

                      ramanrathour - a holo foil box is a lovely idea! Reminds me of collecting Pokémon cards… 🔥

                      Also, that render of the shimmering purple is lush, lovely work 👏🏼