
I recently ordered CMF Buds Pro 2. One thing I observed which is strange to me is after charging it fully if I take out buds it will show 100 percent charge for both but in fe2 seconds the right one falls to 95 directly and left one remains at 100.

    Derren changed the title to CMF Buds Pro 2 - Battery Life Discussion .
    5 days later

    Same happened to me. I guess it’s not a problem because case charge the buds to full but the sensor used may have error of 2.5 to 5%. May be one buds have more battery capacity than other. But in my case difference is less than 5% max.

    18 days later

    I recently purchased CMF Buds Pro 2 along with Phone 2a+. Loving the phone so far but not getting the promised battery life from the buds.

    My settings are
    AAC : On
    ANC : Off
    Spatial Audio : Off
    EQ : Dirac Opteo
    Ultra Bass : Level 1
    Gesture Controls : Only for Buds, case controls disabled.
    In-Ear Detection : On
    Volume : 50-60%
    Firmware :

    With these settings, buds are draining at 15-20% per hour.
    Not sure what could be the problem. I understand advertised 11h is not always possible but 5-6h is definitely not acceptable.

    I’ve tried resetting the buds, didn’t help.

    Should I ask for replacement unit?

    Merged 1 post from Low battery life on CMF Buds Pro 2.
    25 days later

    SwapnilKadlag it starts with 100(L) and 95®, and then this difference keeps increasing. Even after recent update( which promised that even charging fixed, doesn’t seems to fix it.

    a month later

    I too have the same issue, it was started after ( update with Left buds -100 and Right bud -95. And after the recent update( it is worse than before, now the left bud charges fully upto - 100 and right bud only till -90 and also the discharging rate between two buds is more than 20%( like left - 90 means , right - 65) and day by day its getting more and more worse than before.

      7 days later

      I have been facing this issue since few days, my right bud drains faster than the left buds which I thought was normal but the diffrence between the battery life kept increasing. Today the diffrence had gone to far to 40% which is not acceptable. I would like nothing try and fix this issue. As per me I guess this problem started from when the latest update was installed for the buds pro 2

        8 days later

        Hemz_1416 after update my buds anc on 50% volume Dirac mode and spacial audio on 15 listening a song after battery left 90 and right 95 it’s abnormal and left only charging 95 then stop

        Merged 2 posts from CMF buds pro 2 battery life issue.
        11 days later

        Hemz_1416 same issue I’m also facing yesterday new update also come to buds but now also it doesn’t solve..did you find the solution


          i called the customer care they gave me the nearest Nothing verified service center i am yet to go there but they told they would fix it because mine is under warranty.

          13 days later

          So,I too have the same problem and a month back i have posted here. Then called the coustomer care and they said me to go to the nearest service centre and i did. They accepted the complainant and replaced with a new buds. Now new one is completely working fine. You guys also visit the nearest service centre and replace with a new one.

          12 days later

          Yeah it’s the most worst batter life buds … am getting afraid while travelling…

          It drain muchfaster than vandhe vharath train in india ..

          • hrry replied to this.
            6 days later

            NeilBhowmick the issue will not fix in updates,its an hardware issue. So go to the nearby cmf nothing service centre and register complaint. If the issue real they will replace with a new buds, only if you warranty.