Glyph Composer - Share your Compositions!
PranavDeora PranavDeora Hey, i have merged your discussion here. Are there any compositions that you’ve done using DAN that you’d like to share?
My take enjoy !
My ringtone
My alarm
NoarBaer can you share this file?
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Uploaded again. Should work ?
I just got my np2a and I’ve been trying to download it for a while now but it fails and says “forbidden” do you know how I can download it as its a nice tune for a ringtone
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NoarBaer not working it says forbidden.
MohamedOsman_jUSaOL6TaP same issue bro.
Every file I try to download says forbidden. Can anyone explain why and how I can download the files here to set them as my ringtone.
So I uploaded it on 3th party web it should let you download it.
NoarBaer Broo , thanks a lottt bro, it worked, you have no idea how happy I am atm
NathanBullard Yes it’s the same.
Ok, here is mine.
Still love it
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I made a custom one with the use of GlyphTools by SebiAi for the iOS Ringtone “By The Seaside”
Download Link:
Have fun with it everyone!
The download of any of them is not possible.
Hi everyone
Before creating this thread, I had the idea of sharing composer’s music… I’m glad to see it happen. Listen to some of my music:
NoarBaer oooooo myyy gooooooooooddddd its just like mine!!!!!
Here’s my attempt at doing something of my own for the first time!