After a long wait the stable update is here
Nothing OS 3.0 | General Release
finally the wait is over
again no camera improvements for nothing phone 2
Battery Drain problem solution not seen??
Deepakpurohit of course
Huge thanks for the update, especially for haptic feedback improvement. I’ve noticed that Ntype font has disappeared for Cyrillic letters in the release version, but it was presented in the beta. Also there’s no weather app redesign that you teased in the first OS 3.0 showcase. Hope for fixes soon
Thanks to the Nothing team
Not available to me in the UK yet… cue checking every 5 minutes until it does
How to add countdown widget???
perf ect
The cover image looks like a Christmas card. Nice touch!
Nothing gallery app is not opening through camera app aven after disabling Google photos in 2a.
Rob why gallery app is not default app for photos
I have important photos stored in the Google photos app’s locked folder. Will I lose those photos on upgrading?
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Camera app doesn’t seem to use the new gallery app :/