Derren Super excited to finally add another codename to the list, Aero as Phone (2a). As mentioned above, the keen-eyed amongst you may have noticed another pokemon hiding in the background of the latest community update video. Thoughts? possibly another codename? 👀
kush_agra just to add to notes cleffa was spied again on the latest teaser for an announcement that will be made on the 20′th of March 2024 ie: today
kush_agra Yes! both new gen 2 pokemons for audio products I feel like we have cracked the pattern Updated Table | Product Name | Code Name | Pokémon Intro Generation | Evolution | |--------------|-----------|--------------------------|-----------| | Phone (1) | Abra | Gen 1 | 0 | | Phone (2) | Alakazam | Gen 1 | 2 | | Phone (2a) | Aerodactyl| Gen 1 | 0 | | Ear (1) | Aipom | Gen 2 | 0 | | Ear (2) | Azumarill | Gen 2 | 2 | | Ear (stick) | Bellossom | Gen 2 | 2 | | Ear | Entei | Gen 2 | 0 | | Ear (a) | Cleffa | Gen 2 | 0 | kush_agra Ealesy101
Ealesy101 So now it is time to add Cleffa to the list. But does it represent Nothing (Ear) or Nothing (Ear a), or BOTH?! Let’s hear some thoughts below, and if there is another Pokémon codename for one of the products, has anyone got any clues? 👀
Ealesy101 Derren - Saw this earlier, love the subtle reveal! 🔥 Updated list: Aipom : Ear (1) Ampharos : ? Arceus : Power (1) ? Ariados : ? Abra : Phone (1) Alakazam : Phone (2) Azelf : ? Aerodactyl : Phone (2a) Bellossom : Ear (stick) Azumarill : Ear (2) Anorith : ? Bastiodon : ? Cleffa: Ear (a) Entei: Ear
Derren Ealesy101 Nice, thanks for updating the list! Still a few gaps to fill and potentially more pokemon to add. It was mentioned previously in this thread with some guesses, but im certainly still intrigued as to whether CMF also get pokemon codenames. What do we think?
Ealesy101 Derren you are most welcome. Happy to contribute where I can! I would like to think so, let’s see if there are any hidden codenames for the CMF products! 👀 I am noticing some trends however, Gen 1 for Phones….Gen 2 for Audio? 👀
Ealesy101 kush_agra - This is beautiful! Thank you! 😍 EDIT: New names! Time for an update… Updated list: Aipom : Ear (1) Ampharos : ? Arceus : Power (1) ? Ariados : ? Abra : Phone (1) Alakazam : Phone (2) Azelf : ? Aerodactyl : Phone (2a) Beedrill: ? Buizel: ? Bellossom : Ear (stick) Azumarill : Ear (2) Anorith : ? Bastiodon : ? Cleffa: Ear (a) Entei: Ear Espeon: ? Let the guessing games, continue! A nice addition of three mons, across three different generations too! What could they mean?!
ashutoshkumar_sg2 I’m sure that Espeon is Phone 3, since all flagship nothing phones have been psychic type pokemons. Buizel might be the CMF phone if that’s a real product, but CMF doesn’t have a Pokemon codename for any other device so I might be strong. Same with beedrill, it might be the new CMF watch.
Simon I compiled all the information around the product codenames in a google sheet for everyone to view, not sure about Neckband Pro as I don’t own them but feel free to reach out if you have one! Sheets Link
RapidZapper Simon CMF one’s are wrong Corsola is Buds Pro Donphan = Buds Crobat = Neckband Pro Watch Pro is unknown Only AXXX match Pokedex
ashutoshkumar_sg2 Simon thanks for this, now I’m certain about what these products are Espeon is Phone(3) CMF Watch 2 is Buizel CMF phone is Beedrill