Only 1900km far from my home lol, see ya next year
Phone (2a) Launch Event Tickets - Delhi 🇮🇳
Lezz go
Wanted to join…But can’t go Delhi that time
See y’all at the event
NakliShadyBhai exciting - see you there!
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woah welcome. I’ll try to join. btw the software design team coming as well?
Natalie I’ve successfully registered! Now, fingers crossed for train availability.
Excited to meet one of my favorite entrepreneur, Carl and his team
Lets go
Used that sweet coupon and I’m in
Looking forward to seeing lots of photos from you all who attend the event!
Sounds like it’ll be a blast
RohitPakalapati u also coming to delhi for it?
Will be traveling from Pune which is 1500 km from Delhi Extremely excited See ya soon Carl , Rob, Natalie , levi , Bruno and the team
VaroonNawale Haha wow! Respect!
Just got my ticket
Lets go , got my tickets
Excited to meet you all.
Sounds like a lot of you got tickets, very exciting and looking forward to seeing photos from everyone!
Yo let’s go, excited to meet the community!!