Firmware rollouts are usually staggered, meaning not all users will receive the update simultaneously. This approach allows us to monitor for any issues and ensure a smooth and stable deployment.

Nothing OS 2.5.3

General improvements

🎡 New ringtones.

πŸŽ™οΈ A new Recorder widget.

πŸ“Έ When taking continuous screenshots, the preview of the previous screenshot now automatically disappears.

πŸ“³ Added three levels of haptic for touch feedback.

πŸ”„ Refined the animation when transitioning from the home screen to Always On Display.

πŸ–ΌοΈ Optimised the user experience of wallpapers.

πŸš€ Made app launch animations even smoother.

πŸ“± Optimised certain UI issues.

πŸ‘† Improved overall touch screen experience.

βš™οΈ Improved the experience of apps running in the background by optimising the memory strategy.

πŸ”Œ Improved compatibility with certain charging adapters.


πŸ“Έ Added shortcut widget for the Camera app.

πŸŒ„ Introduced support for Ultra HDR feature in Camera, supporting XDR display effect for photos.

πŸ“ Camera watermark now supports showing focal length.

🌈 Improved the effect of Raw HDR photography.

🎨 Enhanced colour saturation.

🀳 Improved the clarity of front camera photos.

πŸ”§ Optimised camera OIS/EIS effects.

⚑ Enhanced camera app loading speed and overall performance.

Bug fixes

🚢 Fixed the issue where the Pedometer widget would reset after switching time zones.

🏠 Resolved the issue where app icons would not display on the home screen after swiping up to unlock in specific scenarios.

πŸ”’ Resolved the occasional issue where the fingerprint unlock would not respond when the screen is off.

πŸ› οΈ Resolved the occasional black screen issue on the lock screen interface.

πŸ›‘οΈ Optimised the overall stability of the system.

  • [deleted]

Waiting for this on my Phone2 and please where is the option of extending ram on Nothing phone2? I see it’s available on 2a but not on the 2

I hope that NOS 2.5.3 arrives soon for Nothing phone 2, from the changelog it seems that they have solved many problems that were present on NOS 2.5.2 and introduces interesting features. I hope that this delay in the update is justified by a good bugfix…

Hope it comes to phone 1 would like to experience some of the new features as well as squash the bugs present in 2.5.2

Will this come to Phone 2? I’m waiting for that update, I would love to have the new battery and calendar widgets and I would like to try the wallpaper A.I. Is there any news on when this will arrive on the Phone 2?

_es_nYmNl45Ncd since some of the updates are related to new device, like the bew glyph to work well, as well as we can call ot β€œday 1” updates, its more then understandable for this to be on 2a first.

None of these tech companies do these kind of community stuff and should appreciate these community update and not be an a hole about it, just because you bought a phone… how come you have skipped the appreciation part and went straight into being an entitled β€œhow dare you not be thinking about me” person?

    May I ask when we phone2 can get such such an important version update?

    Deividas_erniauskas I strongly disagree. We are not talking about releasing a β€œday one patch” that fixing some bugs in a new product. The point is that a number of new features are not primarily given to the flagship model. Yes, many manufacturers, when releasing a new flagship, prioritize installing a newer OS version on it, making some new cool features available only for new one. But doing so when releasing the cheapest phone in the line is at least strange and disappointing (IMHO)

    Deividas_erniauskas exactly.. most of these people inside this forum is borderline annoying and yapping everyday. Imagine not fixing the problems of the Phone 2a that just got released and focusing on a stable phone(2) that is out there for a long time. Most of these people yapping don’t know anything about how a company runs and what to prioritise.

    Phone 2 is functioning perfectly fine. Phone 2a is a new phone. Anybody with a brain in their head wouldn’t neglect the phone you just released. So updates went to phone 2a. So what ?… Did you lose 50% of your life just because new update went to a newly released phone. I’m a phone 2 owner.. I’m not frustrated just because newer update went to newly released phone. Have some patience in life goddamn it. As an Indian myself.. I myself can tell you that.. most of the people yapping here are Indians and it’s embarassing, cringe and annoying. Most of the people here are so goddamn jobless, one update dictates their entire life. HAVE SOME PATIENCE IN LIFE. YOU WON’T EXIST JUST BECAUSE YOU DIDN’T GET AN UPDATE. THANK YOU. If you don’t like nothing phone 2 or whatever Nothing Phone you have.. go buy some other brand’s bloatware OS which promotes ads at your face 10 times a day. Nobody is stopping you from switching phones.

      Those who complains about phone (2) not getting the priority over phone (2a)…. You don’t deserve what Nothing have brought to you. It’s such a shame for Nothing to have you as a consumers nor fans.