MohammedHashid Yeah! After 2.5.4 Update the Battery seems to Drain Fast. Still Confused about, which app consumes more Battery. Hope NOTHING will fix this issue in the next update.
Remi F ok but you lost like what 10% battery ? for 4h hours of screen on time ? If this is the case, then it’s just a bug but it’s not the real value
addaedans I also see strange battery performance. I managed to get 10 hours screen tume when used the phone a lot to watch stuff and browse. On other days it drain the battery the same way with 3-4 hours screentime. I put down the phone last evening with 56% and woke up to 36%….
Mr.Milen addaedans turn always on display off and also in network setting turn smart 5g option on if you are using 5g network. And then check standby time.
pixcel25 addaedans same here I think the reason is atmosphere days I spend in my room a cool environment it easily passes 9hr sot but on the other end when I’m out in the city in a hot environment it rarely crosses 5 hr sot
ShubhamSharma100 Moreover the SOT in settings app shows wrong sot most of the times and after x amount of time it get’s corrected.
ihsanibrahim I purchased nothing phone 2a 10 days back and was really impressed by the phone but all went down in last three days after 2.5.4 update. Where I’m experiencing over night battery drain of 10 to 15% with all connectivity switched off. This is strange and I believe it’s a bug and can be fixed with the update. Hope the team could fix this asap.
Ruthra Nothing 2a too much battery drain issue….just 6.30 hours screen on time in normal usage….. Pls fix this issue …version 2.5.4
Ruthra nothing 2a fast battery drain issue… In normal usage 6 to 7 hours….. Heavy usage just 5 hours… I expected whole day battery …but Now charge twice in a day……. Very disappointing…
ShubhamSharma100 Ruthra it’s great man..what else u expect bro…u will easily get 7 + as per ur usage. I get 6+ as my usage is intense! It’s really really Good bro. Please appreciate it. Yea surely it will improve with upcoming updates and optimisation 💯✨🔋
VimalAnand Ruthra SangramBiswal_69PFOdmjnA I get backup for 1.5 to 2 days. At night when no usage it drains some 6 percent. I think that background running apps and network might also consume battery. I’m changing battery usage app setting to “Restrictive”. Please comment ways to reduce battery background usage
KidoBop Same. Facing major battery drain even when the phone is just idle. Getting only about 5 hours of SOT from 100% to 10%.
RakeshYadav_qaDTB3gDNq For charging the phone it’s taking almost 2.5 hours this has. Happened after the update kindly rectify.
ReddyAnna RakeshYadav_qaDTB3gDNq Install Ampere app, charge when battery is around 20%, take a screenshot of Ampere and share here. Please do ASAP.
spacexfan Also facing the same problem. There is this search engine selector that ran for 100 hours in the background. I killed it by force stopping. However the drain (although reduced) still persists. I’m not getting the said battery life from my phone 2a. My battery drained 8% and I didn’t use the phone. Please fix this
Rajdeep13 I have best battery experience with nothing phone 2a, more than a day .. and that’s awesome 😎