Firmware (bot) Thank you. Maybe now all the entitled/rude kiddies will finally stop throwing toys out of the pram. Just had the update and no issues so far. I did notice an increase in noise on darker shades indoors, especially on shadows, will report via feedback, maybe something can be done to improve the processing (said noise is not there on expert mode, but present on photo/portrait, probably has to do with HDR). This is not new, seen on the upgrade from 2.5.2 to 2.5.3 first, but now seems more prominent.

It was nice update from nothing for Phone 2..

Too many bugs are fixed.

Now it’s time for to upgrade Camera Software For Nothing Phone 2.

One of the most important Bug in camera is When we take a photo by zooming it.After processing, the zoomed picture becomes like an oil paint picture.

Plz solve it soon

Gun_Put but when I tried, I was able to record the call successfully. Ensure Mic and System option is ON

Karim Azmy Is this auto or need manual setup to turn on/off depending the scene?

anoopmu9 for me, battery is draining too much after this update

That’s just normal after every update. It will take a few days to normalize.

    Jean when we click picture especially in front camera it ll take time for processing we have to wait a bit then it saved the picture otherwise not and this is only bug i have got as of now

    • Jean replied to this.


      Thank you for pointing this out mr. RapidZapper ! You made me happy man (along with gentlemen from Nothing) ! 🙂

      Merged 1 post from HDR issue on 2.5.5.

      What kind of idea is this! 😐

      I got my phone yesterday and it hasn’t had latest update. Is it not available in UK yet?

        PeterMash Update is released batch by batch. Sometimes can up to a week to arrive on the final batch. So it will arrive, just wait.