For me and several people from the forum in Poland, we find that the battery and battery statistics do not work properly.. SOT dropped from 6 hours to 3.5 hours, do something about it, after all, this is your flagship model…
📱 Phone (2) - Nothing OS 2.5.5 Changelog
adamo64 on android 14 google has broken battery stats. use third party apps like battery guru or accu battery for accurate battery stats. easily available on play store
VivekBhagat I use Accu battery…
Losfame Turn off HDR mode and clean your lenses. Make sure the letters HDR are crossed out. Turn off beauty mode.
In what situations does it work poorly for you? I see a notable result currently.
KR0MPAC Coz you are charging your phone to 100%.
- (Edited)
Nothing Phone 2 No call notification bug present from 2.5.3 update,
Volume Rockers showing Ringtone Volume is Full but the Sound settings says Ringtone notification volume Zero
due to this all of my calls getting missed,
I have to check every time the Volume controller, Kindly provide fix at the earliest
NarasimhanR How to reproduce this?
Its my phone’s bug, i dont know its all phone2 bug or not
NarasimhanR ok, for me both settings are synced.
Can you improve the haptics of the np2 just like 2a . It is really weak when compared to the oneplus phones . Also give us a option to control its intensity .
I still haven’t even gotten 2.5 yet, neither has my friend that bought a (2) at the same time as me. Everytime I go to update it just says updates temporarily unavailable. It’s been like this since I got the phone 5 months ago.
ProllyGone Hey, did you try to remove your SIM card and check for update?
thalapathy This problem is there since 2.5.3 update.
SiddheshShanbhag So any resolution? bdw I didn’t face that in 2.5.3!
Please do something for nothing phone 2 portrait clicks