Bharathwaj After 2.5.5a update camera issues- Selfie Camera : Fully blurry of front camera, over polished and face shape not recognised Back Camera : Lot of noise, Lens glare in both camera with night mode.
Sarthakghike Sarthakghike recently updated nothing os 2.5.5 but I didn’t see any difference in my nothing 2a the new chat gpt widget in which is coming in new update not showing in my nothing it’s any bug of other problem .
Ealesy101 Sarthakghike - Make sure you have the ChatGPT app downloaded. Then the widgets shall be visible. Nexium - Your battery usage shall be reset after each software update. Also, please be aware that it shall take a few cycles of the battery to properly optimise again, so you may experience some odd drain until this optimisation is complete.
Nexium After the update 2.5.5.a, the Battery Usage screen shows Blank. Is anyone else facing this issue?
GouravAgarwal Firmware (bot) after new update camera app jitters a lot, despite of that issue update is fantastic.
muhkuhaushonolulu Ealesy101 ive never had battery dran issue after an update caused by optimizations. And i never charge my phone over night or longer after it reaches 100 percent. So why so many people have drain problems with this? 2a, updated since 2.5.4
ujjal_babu Subhas Garai Yesterday there was a issue with jio in my area, May be temporary outage was there.
Subhas Garai Subhas Garai I tried Android 15 Beta then JIO 5G working properly. Then why not solve this issue in stable OS.
ashiva i didn’t recieved the update notification, i checked & it says “it is up to date” anyone else facing this?
Stringfellow_hawke ashiva Yes, pretty normal. Haven’t gotten it either. They always release updates in stages. Sometimes I get one pretty much straight away, other times I have to wait a couple of days. Shouldn’t be to long before we get it as well.
ujjal_babu “When I was using my old phone, I noticed that after the update, some amount of storage was freed up. However, with my new phone, the 2A, I’ve observed that some amount of space is being reduced. I’m unsure why this is happening.”
ashiva Stringfellow_hawke hope they will fix the battery issue asap. ps: I don’t use it for hotspot anymore only for casual gaming & normal usage.
ghumnewala ashiva i dont know why people are crying for battery life . on continuous 5g + it gives 1.5-2 hrs less. but still I have 25 % left after more than 10hrs usage on wifi only . (on 2.5.5)
LeadGenerating i dont know how but when dark mode and extra dim enable in night there is a lots of grains in the screen on black background i am confuse is this a display problem or software problem plz help how can i fix this issue