- (Edited)
Welcome to the Nothing Community!
We’re glad to have you with us, and excited for you to get to know us, and for us to get to know you too. With that in mind, we’d like you to share a little about yourself with the wider Nothing family.
You can say hello in any way you like (although please do give the Community Guidelines a read first if you haven’t already) but if you’re stuck for inspiration, here are some starting points to help kick things off…
Whereabouts in the world are you? We have a truly global team and global community to boot. We’d love to hear a bit about where you’re based.
Let us know why you’re interested in Nothing! We’d love to know what your hopes are for this company and this community.
Name a piece of technology that dropped your jaw. It could be the Walkman that got you into music, or the first phone you ever owned. What was the first piece of tech that surprised and delighted you?
What’s your favourite movie quote, or lyric from a song? Nothing like a bit of cultural appreciation to get to know someone.
Post a picture of your spirit gadget. It’s like a spirit animal, but with batteries.
These are just a few ideas, feel free to introduce yourselves however you like, though we would ask that you refrain from posting personal information such as your date of birth, contact info, or any other personally identifying information.
We’re looking forward to getting to know you all!
– The Nothing Team